Scioli defended himself against criticism: I am a Peronist and libertarian

Scioli defended himself against criticism: I am a Peronist and libertarian
Scioli defended himself against criticism: I am a Peronist and libertarian

The Secretary of Tourism, Environment and Sports of the Nation, Daniel Scioli, responded to those who asked to throw him out of the Justicialist Party (PJ) by remarking that “those who believe they are owners of Peronism or the perometer, we must invite them to read the history and read Juan Domingo Perón”.

“I want to add so that Argentina is fixed once and for all.”said Scioli, who called himself a “Peronist and libertarian.”

In recent days, Senator Juliana Di Tullio called for the partisan expulsion of the former Argentine ambassador to Brazil and he responded in a message on his social networks.

“These days with a little more free time it is good to reflect and study to learn from experience. Peronism is a strategic, not ideological, thought. It privileges achieving the objectives for the happiness of the people. You should not fall in love with failures. He says it clearly in Political Conduct”, Scioli started, according to Noticias Argentinas.

Likewise, he maintained that “all the parties of 1946 united against Perón” and explained that “this is how the Democratic Union, the caste of that time, was born.”

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“They stayed with the devices and Perón with the people. Perón always saw it. Peronism never fell in love with the instruments. It always acted according to reality, postulating that this is the only truth”said the national official.


Furthermore, he indicated that “the first Peronist government promoted the prominence of the State and increased the income of workers, but when it saw that inflation became a problem and reached 40% annually, economic policy changed and real public spending decreased. , established the principle of productivity to increase wages and stimulated exports.”

“Thus, in two years, inflation fell to 4% and the economy regained strength. Perón saw it again. And he saw it very clearly: ‘The starting point is price stability; work and sacrifice, creators of Wealth are the decisive factors of any economic solution, and men and people who do not know how to discern the relationship between well-being and effort do not gain the right to happiness that they claim,” he explained.

Scioli added: “Interpreting the new times that Perón warned that Argentina needed capital: he saw it again and sought to promote foreign investments in oil and the automotive industry. Then (president, Arturo) Frondizi launched many of these proposals. We must be practical , not dogmatic”.

“Do you know where I got my inspiration to talk about evolution?” Yes, correct, from Perón. In the Legislative Assembly of 1948 he said: ‘Evolution is for the people an indispensable and permanent agent of rejuvenation. It is necessary not to cling to archaic or outdated prescriptions. “Politics has the function of forging one’s own saddle to ride the evolution of history,” said the former Buenos Aires governor.

Scioli went further and continued with the policies implemented by Perón by remarking that the leader of the movement later added that “he who spends more than he earns is a fool; he who spends what he earns forgets his future; and he who produces and earns more than he consumes, he is a prudent person who ensures his future.

“At the end of his life; he also saw it and left a clear and forceful message: ‘We will all fix this, or no one will fix it.’ And I want to contribute so that Argentina is fixed once and for all,” he concluded.

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