Frozen waves in Tierra del Fuego: An unusual spectacle surprises everyone

Frozen waves in Tierra del Fuego: An unusual spectacle surprises everyone
Frozen waves in Tierra del Fuego: An unusual spectacle surprises everyone

A rare phenomenon shocked residents and tourists in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina, as low temperatures affecting the Patagonian region They froze the sea in San Sebastián, north of Río Grande, this Tuesday.

The images of the waves turned into ice quickly went viral on social networks. In photos and videos, a rarely seen winter scene is observed. Some described it as “surreal.”

Local specialists explained that this event is due to “a combination of extremely low temperatures and particular weather conditions that favor the formation of ice in the sea.” In recent days, The area experienced much colder weather, creating “the perfect conditions for sea water to freeze.”

“It is a reminder of the impressive force of nature and how the climate can surprise us with such extraordinary phenomena,” commented a local specialist.

The cold and snow also affect other areas of Patagonia. In Santa Cruz, especially in El Calafate and Río Turbio, a serious crisis broke out due to heavy snowfall that negatively impacted sheep production, reported Radio 3 Patagonia Chain.

A local producer mentioned that the extreme weather conditions They left more than a meter of snow, resulting in the death of animals and “putting the subsistence of livestock production at risk.”

Due to the adverse weather forecast, as of this Tuesday, National Highways of Argentina applied a total cut in the circulation of all vehicles on national route 40.

Iceberg floats near Isla de los Estados

The Argentine Naval Prefecture (PNA) reported on a floating iceberg near Isla de los Unidos, in Tierra del Fuego. A security and control operation was carried out to alert the boats, mainly fishing boats, that transit through the area.

The block of ice was detected by crew members of a merchant ship who notified the maritime security force so that cargo and fishing vessels take precautions in the area. According to the map published by the Prefecture, The iceberg did not enter the Beagle Channel, but it floated in front of the Island of the States, 300 km in a straight line from Ushuaia.

The sea in San Sebastián, Tierra del Fuego, froze due to low temperatures, surprising locals and tourists. In addition, an iceberg was detected near the Island of the States.

*The creation of this content was assisted by artificial intelligence. The information was provided and reviewed by a journalist to ensure accuracy. The content was not generated automatically.

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