These vacancies in the Atlantic offer op

These vacancies in the Atlantic offer op
These vacancies in the Atlantic offer op

Generate jobs for both junior profiles as seniors is essential for the socioeconomic development of any region, and Colombia is no exception. Junior profiles represent the entry of new blood and updated skills into the working marketessential for the innovation and the adaptability of the companies.

– Read: Start doing this if you want to get hired on LinkedIn

– See: These are the sectors with the best job opportunities on the Caribbean Coast

– Here: How to have your resume read by artificial intelligence?

At the national level, the DANE reports that the youth unemployment has been a constant concern, with a youth unemployment rate of 18.2 percent in 2023. Investing in training and employment programs for these young people not only reduces this rate, but also ensures a continued flow of fresh talent and prepared, necessary to face the challenges of a constantly changing world.

(Don’t stop reading: There is work! Important companies open new vacancies in Barranquilla)

On the other hand, senior profiles provide experience and stability, crucial elements for sustained growth and mentoring within organizations. In Colombia, the value of experience is reflected in the growing demand for professionals with more than ten years of experience, especially in sectors such as logistics and construction.

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According to Chamber of Commerce of Cartagena, the incorporation of senior profiles in infrastructure projects has increased the efficiency and quality of the results. Below are some offers for both the junior and senior population highlighted in the El Heraldo Jobs showcase.

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