“The arrival of Accenture is a testimony of trust in the Atlantic”: Governor Verano

“The arrival of Accenture is a testimony of trust in the Atlantic”: Governor Verano
“The arrival of Accenture is a testimony of trust in the Atlantic”: Governor Verano

• This Wednesday, Accenture opened its doors in Barranquilla, a firm that operates mainly in the ICT sector and offers corporate services, statistics, business process outsourcing (BPO), integration platforms, among others.

• With the arrival of the international firm, 150 new jobs will be created that will benefit not only the Atlantic, but also the Caribbean region.

• The president of Promigas, Juan Manuel Rojas, highlighted the role of the governor and praised his work as a leader in the process of territorial autonomy that the country, especially the Caribbean, so needs.

Barranquilla, Atlántico, June 19, 2024. New business opportunities represent for Governor Eduardo Verano de la Rosa the entry into operation of the Accenture firm in the department, which demonstrates the confidence of investors in this territory. The above, thanks to the industrial development, road infrastructure, human talent and new technologies that the Atlantic has.

Accenture is a global leader in professional services, helping the world’s leading companies, governments and other organizations build their digital core, optimize their operations, accelerate business growth and improve citizen services.

For the president, this inauguration marks a special moment for the Atlantic and also for the country. “The arrival of Accenture to our territory is a testimony of trust, which is what we have most wanted to build, not only in the Atlantic, but in the Caribbean region,” he said.

He highlighted that the company is a leader in the approach to document management, high information technologies and business process improvement.

“From the Atlantic Government we are committed to supporting and promoting foreign investment. We want the Atlantic to be an attractive destination for innovative companies and we are working hard to create a favorable environment for business together with companies, academia and unions with the leadership of Atlanticonnect, a mixed entity in charge of promoting the economic growth through the articulation and strengthening of the innovation ecosystem in our department,” he said.

Verano specified that this effort is the development of artificial intelligence capabilities in which Accenture, with its vast experience in this field, can play a crucial role in modernizing processes and training local talent.

“We want the Atlantic to be a hub of innovation, technology and artificial intelligence. A fundamental tool to achieve this. We are here to facilitate all the necessary processes so that companies can establish and grow. This includes improving our infrastructure, developing our investment-friendly public policies, and promoting strategic alliances. In addition, we are focused on the development of human talent,” he said.

He added that another objective is for the people of the Atlantic to have access to the education and training necessary to thrive in the digital economy. In this sense, we will collaborate with all our educational institutions and companies

Juan Manuel Rojas, president of Promigas, a strategic ally of Accenture, explained that the initiative to join the international company was made with the objective of achieving a better experience for internal and external clients, simplifying processes, as well as reducing costs, improve agility and precision in operations.

“Among the services that we wanted to impact was supply and technology, where we see that Accenture has global leadership, that is, being in 120 countries leading those practices such as accounting, tax, treasury, master data, among others” Rojas remarked.

In addition, he highlighted the importance of Accenture’s arrival in Barranquilla since it shows the human talent that the Caribbean region has and all the benefits it can offer.

“Part of what you have wanted all your life, how we can promote from the region and decentralize the country, well this is a very good example. What does that mean for the region? Accenture settled in Barranquilla, but it is not only the capital of the Atlantic, but also involves the Caribbean. We started with 150 people who will work for the company who are from the Caribbean. That is going to be very positive for companies in the region,” said Rojas.

Carolina Botero Londoño, president of the Accenture firm in Barranquilla, said that the arrival in the city is a confirmation of the commitment to Colombia and a solid commitment to the business and technological development of the Caribbean region.

“This commitment has been key for the country and we are convinced that our presence here will contribute significantly to innovation and the economic advancement of Barranquilla and the region. The opening of this office is not only a breakthrough for us, but also an opportunity to positively impact the local community, we will create new employment opportunities by encouraging the development of local talent to contribute to the economic growth of the region,” he said.

Finally, he noted that his company is committed to promoting operational excellence and digital transformation in all sectors. “Our entry into Barranquilla allows us to strengthen ourselves with key allies, for example, with companies in the energy sector, which will contribute to continuing to innovate and promote competitiveness in the market,” he pointed out.

Governor Eduardo Verano thanked Accenture for trusting the Atlantic and for its contribution to the growth and digital transformation of the Region. He assured that his arrival reaffirms the purpose of an ‘Atlantic for the world’.


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