Cornejo described the Tomba bars as protagonists of the incidents as 30 shitty criminals

Cornejo described the Tomba bars as protagonists of the incidents as 30 shitty criminals
Cornejo described the Tomba bars as protagonists of the incidents as 30 shitty criminals

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The May 25 match between Godoy Cruz and San Lorenzo had to be suspended due to incidents.

Cornejo wants there to be more intelligence in the Police

Cornejo stressed: “Here, 30 shitty criminals stop a game. That doesn’t make me happy.”

Before, the governor assured: “I am fully involved in the issue of security and the need for the Police to have more elements to carry out intelligence and prevention.”

We need the Police to have more information. We cannot sit idly waiting for the macroeconomy to be resolved so that tires have prices that are not prohibitive like the current ones and thus theft is reduced. We need the Police to have more information. We cannot sit idly waiting for the macroeconomy to be resolved so that tires have prices that are not prohibitive like the current ones and thus theft is reduced.

“Of course there is insecurity, dearor,” Cornejo told a journalist when asked about the creation of an observatory for the area, launched by Peronism days ago.

And he immediately expanded: “Contributions are welcome. But I clarify that the mate hole has already been invented.”

The president insisted: “I am the first to admit that there is insecurity, but it is less than other jurisdictions and we are busy. I get involved in the issue and I am going to continue getting involved.”

Cornejo reflected that “there is a mitigating factor that no one takes into account. Violent incidents have decreased. What has grown is the used market and this is throughout the country. Every night there are many thefts of tires from sleeping cars. on the street”

“Mendoza has talent and has its people with characteristics that make us proud, with whom we aspire to move towards European-style security,” he closed the topic.

Cornejo told the judiciary: “The State can only pay certain salaries”

Alfredo Cornejo He said this Wednesday that “the judicial unions do not understand that the State can pay certain salaries and no more, something that the rest of the public and private worker unions do understand.”

At Government House, during a press conference with the vice president, Hebe Casado, and other officials, the president asked that the union leaders of employees and officials of the Judicial Branch “reflect and are open to agreement“.


Alfredo Cornejo at a press conference with Hebe Casado and officials spoke about the conflict with the judiciary.

At that same time, those in question were analyzing the possibility of resuming the fight plan after considering the mandatory conciliation failed, which was called after three months of strike and led to two meetings, on Fridays, June 7 and 14.

Monday will be key to determining the steps to follow, after assemblies in judicial buildings throughout the province. The key is whether the conciliation is finally declared invalid and the 10-day extension provided for in the regulations of the Undersecretary of Labor is established or not.

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From the governor to the judicial unions: “What does not exist, does not exist”

Cornejo stated that he does not intend to deviate from the salary policy, based on the drop in revenue and inflation and added: “We cannot give more salaries than the revenue we have and that is our limit. What there is not, there is not.”

He confirmed that next week a new round of joint negotiations will begin with all state unions, including those of the Judiciary, scheduled for Wednesday the 26th.

“I have no particular complaints with the civil servants union, but I do have complaints with the employees, who made the conciliation that they themselves had requested from the Supreme Court fail. They left because the meeting was not held in an auditorium for everyone to enter. , then they considered it a failure.” “I have no particular complaints with the civil servants union, but I do have complaints with the employees, who made the conciliation that they themselves had requested from the Supreme Court fail. They left because the meeting was not held in an auditorium for everyone to enter. , then they considered it a failure.”

In light of this fact, he said that he thinks “if it is only a salary conflict because all the workers have had loss of salary.”

In the coming months, he explained, “we aspire to recover the macroeconomic order and lower inflation, which would benefit all workers, including judicial workers.”

“The problem of loss of salary – he added – happens in all public activities and fundamentally in private ones; and many of these workers cannot recover because they are self-employed or SMEs or micro-SMEs.” “The problem of loss of salary – he added – happens in all public activities and fundamentally in private ones; and many of these workers cannot recover because they are self-employed or SMEs or micro-SMEs.”

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