Recognition of police officers who detected 500 kilos of explosives – El Diario Paraná

Recognition of police officers who detected 500 kilos of explosives – El Diario Paraná
Recognition of police officers who detected 500 kilos of explosives – El Diario Paraná
Governor Rogelio Frigerio received the three Entre Ríos Police officers who last week seized half a ton of plastic explosives. It happened at the Aldea Santa María road station, Paraná department.

The head of the provincial Executive Branch congratulated the sub-inspector officer Pedro Bauer and the first corporals Enzo Romero and Diego Serrano – members of the Prevention and Road Safety Directorate of the Entre Ríos Police – for their actions, who on Wednesday the 12th of the current kidnapped 300 loaves of gelamón at the road post located at kilometer 496 of national route No. 12, near the town of Aldea Santa María. The plastic explosive was divided into boxes that were transported in a van without security measures.

A week after the operation, Frigerio received police officials in his office to praise their work, who attended accompanied by the Minister of Security and Justice, Néstor Roncaglia, and by the head of the force, Commissioner General Claudio González.

After the meeting, the chief of the Entre Ríos Police highlighted: “The traceability of these explosives was more than 500 kilometers and these officials, fulfilling their role, managed to detect and neutralize that cargo.” After indicating that after this action the Explosives area and the Federal Justice were intervened, González reflected: “In their person, the work of many others is recognized and also the action of the governor who, not only with words but with facts, continually accompanies the work of our staff and the Entre Ríos Police.”

When referring to the recognition received by the governor, deputy inspector Pedro Bauer stated: “It is a recognition of the daily work and the road job but, more than anything, an incentive to move forward, to continue working.” “We routinely do this type of checks and carry out various procedures, but it is the first of this magnitude,” he continued, still surprised by the impact the case took.

In turn, First Corporal Diego Serrano agreed with his comrade that Rogelio Frigerio’s greeting is an incentive to continue with the task and added: “It is our function, but this is like a hug, a warm way to recognize our job”.

Finally, Corporal Enzo Romero acknowledged feeling “a lot of pride” in the governor’s praise and highlighted that it was key, in the case in question, “to detect the driver’s nervousness in the face of the routine control.”

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