Are you looking for a job in Antioquia? These are the more than 1,700 vacancies

Are you looking for a job in Antioquia? These are the more than 1,700 vacancies
Are you looking for a job in Antioquia? These are the more than 1,700 vacancies

The Employment and Entrepreneurship Agency of Comfenalco Antioquia has revealed the availability of 1,708 vacancies distributed in various areas and key locations in the region.

This initiative seeks to meet the employment needs of high school graduates, technicians, technologists and professionalsoffering opportunities in administrative and operational roles throughout the Aburrá Valley, East, Southwest, North, Middle Magdalena, Northeast and West.

There are various jobs that could increase your workload in the medium term.


In the subregion of Eastern Antioquiathey stand out 520 vacancies available in fields as diverse as workers farmers, business advisors, kitchen assistants, software developers, and professionals in Safety and Health at Work.

Locations like Rionegro, El Retiro, and La Ceja are among the places where these job opportunities can be found, which also include positions in Marinilla, Guatape and San Francisco.

For his part, the Southwest Antioquia reports a total of 422 positions available ranging from operational assistants to sales executives and communications professionals.

Locations like Andes, Ciudad Bolívar and Venice They offer opportunities in sectors such as human management, coffee sales and administration, reflecting the economic diversity of this area of ​​the department.

In the subregion North of Antioquia, They have been identified 378 job offers which include roles such as drivers, English teachers, electromechanics and lawyersdistributed in municipalities such as Yarumal, San Pedro de Los Milagros and Santa Rosa of Bears. This sector, known for its cultural richness and mountainous landscapes, seeks to strengthen its workforce with diverse profiles that contribute to local development.

He Aburrá Valleythe urban and economic epicenter of the region, presents 363 opportunities in areas like logistics, technology, health and sales.

Medellin, Bello and Envigado These are some of the cities where these vacancies are available, reflecting the high demand in strategic sectors for the metropolitan economy.

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For his part, the Medium Cupcake shows an offer of 12 vacanciesfocused on roles industrial and technicians specialized, which are concentrated in municipalities such as Yondo and Maceo. This region, recognized for its mining and agricultural activity, seeks to strengthen its workforce in key sectors for its regional economy.

On the other hand, the Northeast and Western Antioch They present a total of 10 and 3 vacancies respectively. These opportunities focus on roles such as construction assistants, machinery operators and project supervisors forests, highlighting the importance of sustainable development and infrastructure in these geographic areas.

It is important that candidates have their resume registered with the Public Employment Service and apply only to vacancies that match your profile and experience.

With this joint effort between the public and private sectors, it is expected not only to cover the labor needs in Antioquia, but also strengthen the local economy and improve the living conditions of its inhabitants.



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