Several doses of marijuana captured in Algeciras

Several doses of marijuana captured in Algeciras
Several doses of marijuana captured in Algeciras

Authorities in the Turbay Turbay neighborhood of the municipality of Algeciras, captured two men who were moving through the area, carrying marijuana cigarettes hidden in a bag.

“These two men, apparently living in a rural area, would have arrived in the urban area to get the marijuana cigarettes, for which they were captured for the crime of trafficking, manufacturing or carrying narcotics and left at the disposal of the competent judicial authority,” he said. police.

In the context of the fight against drug trafficking, the Police in Huila have managed to seize 16.2 tons of marijuana to date, which represents an increase of 9.3 tons compared to the same period last year. This effort has prevented criminal economies from generating income close to 16,000 million pesos.

The Huila Police command urges citizens to collaborate in the fight against drug trafficking. Residents are invited to report any suspicious activity related to this crime by calling the number 123.

You can read: ‘Tasmania’ was arrested with a revolver in Rivera, Huila


With the more than 500 men who came to support the Sampedrina festivities and distributed in the 33 municipalities under the jurisdiction of the Huila Police Department, control plans and requests for background information have been increased at strategic points in the region.

Thus, in the urban area of ​​Palestine, a 36-year-old man was also captured, driving a motorcycle with falsified plates and upon verifying the chassis with a report of theft.

After verifying in the Integrated Automotive System of the National Police, it was determined that the moped had a current immobilization order by Prosecutor’s Office 44 of Pitalito for the crime of theft. The motorcycle would have been stolen in the month of March 2023 in the Laboyos Valley.

You may be interested in: Another shipment of 686 kilos of marijuana fell on the Neiva – Castilla highway


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