They present a new issue of the Gaceta de Cuba

They present a new issue of the Gaceta de Cuba
They present a new issue of the Gaceta de Cuba

La Gaceta de Cuba, respected since its founding for its sharp cultural criticism and its media hierarchy, returns to print and digital format with a new issue and a renewed editorial team, led by writer Yunier Riquenes.

The magazine is dedicated to the poet Fina García Marruz and was presented in the Villena room of the Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (Uneac) by the Doctor of Philological Sciences Zaida Capote.

As the writer assured, figures such as Desiderio Navarro, Sigfredo Ariel, Francisco López Sacha and Regino Boti converge in this issue, along with other topics.

“The gazette is one of the Cuban publications that has addressed the problems of Cuban culture and society the most. That is why it created a space and a very broad community of readers, people wondered where the Gaceta. For us it is a celebration to present this issue of the new era of the magazine, because it not only discussed the most burning problems, but also offered evaluations, opinions and criticisms on fundamental topics, as this issue demonstrates. , will continue to be attentive to everything that happens in the Cuban cultural panorama and to the recovery of national historical memory,” said the Specialist in Women’s Studies.

The magazine’s director, Yunier Riquenes, went from being a young reader of the Gaceta de Cuba in his native Jiguaní to heading its editorial processes.

To conceive this issue he had the advice of established writers of the publication, among them Norberto Codina and Arturo Arango: tradition was united with the wisdom of the new generations.

“We aspire for a new period of the magazine, which would in fact mark the third era of the publication, that dynamic work in multimediality and social networks. We will also focus on the distribution and production of content so that La Gaceta traditional can enter the digital era. This issue can be downloaded for free from the UNEAC website and from Claustrophobias Literary Promotions,” he explained.

As a tribute to Fina García Marruz, the Silvia Rodríguez Rivero exhibition was also inaugurated. In the exhibition, the poetry of Cintio Vitier and the author of Visitations inspired imaginary worlds and altarpieces.

For the vice president of Uneac Lesbia Vent Dumois, Silvia’s work relies on the popular to make a painting of the cultured.

“I like to remember her as a mother and getting closer to her poetry means getting closer to her spirit, to what she and Cintio left us, what enriched us so much. For me the path of art is the path of poetry, not thinking about verses sugarcoated or romantic, but in that language of truth. When I choose or read a poem it speaks to me in images, a vocation that gives them back to me and at the same time is very inspiring,” confessed Silvia Rodríguez.

The meeting was attended by the President of Uneac Marta Bonet and the journalist Magda Resik, first vice president of the organization.

To close the space, the composer José María Vitier remembered Fina with Song of Autumn. This topic was followed by others, which his family of magazine owners and intellectuals enjoyed.

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