Search for Loan Danilo Peña in Corrientes: the kidnapping theory is reinforced, his aunt spoke of a hooded man

Eight days after Loan’s disappearance, investigations continue to find the five-year-old boy in Corrientes. YesYour aunt, Lidia Noguera, testified as a witness before the Prosecutor of the case, Juan Carlos Castillo, and then spoke with various media, where he questioned the course of the investigation. Today, one of the detainees Mónica Millapi will also testify.

“Only on the sixth day did they start to move seriously,” remarked Lidia Noguera and He recalled that “we raked everything from the first daythe first night, We were all bumping into each other and the baby was not there. “He can’t get to the place where the shoe appeared alone,” he asked himself.

Then he said that “the Prosecutor has no answer. “I talked to him and he told me that he was lost and disoriented and that the only proof he had was that shoe,” he said.

Extremely moved, she asked: “Please carry out a search, “The detainees have relatives here on July 9, they should start raiding, they have to find something.”

Then he specifically referred to the uncle who is still detained for the crime of abandonment of person, Bernardino Antonio Benítez. “That afternoon – Thursday the 13th – we saw Antonio without a shirt returning – from the field – on July 9. dI said I was going to look for gasoline and a flashlight. I want to know what happened to that red shirt he had on the field and that you can see in the last photo from the lunch.

“I asked the prosecutor that – on Wednesday, six days after the incident – and he told me that he had no knowledge.”

He then added that “That night my husband was in his truck. towards the field where the baby was lost, and on the route lor Antonio who was hitchhiking stopped. I was with a He wore a brown T-shirt, carried a flashlight and was accompanied by another boy who covered his face with a white hood. Suddenly they asked to get off long before the search location and went to the area where they found the shoe the next day,” he revealed.

“As I told you, we have no control here from day one. How can there not be a police check at the entrance to 9 de Julio? If the baby was supposedly still here,” she questioned.

Search for Loan Danilo Peña in Corrientes: one of the detainees declares and Justice reinforces the kidnapping theory

One of those arrested for Loan’s disappearance He arrived minutes before 10 in the morning at the UFIC in Goya where he will give a statement in front of prosecutor Guillermo Barry. His lawyer Jorge Monti confirmed that she will be the only one of the detainees who will testify and maintained that “there was no pact of silence” between the accused.

Regarding why he resigned from the defense of Antonio Benítez, the little boy’s uncle, he explained that it was because of a economic issue.

Finally, he insisted again that Loan was kidnapped: “It wasn’t lost. When they told the mother that they couldn’t find him, her first reaction was ‘they took him.’”

Search for Loan Danilo Peña in Corrientes: more than 12 thousand hectares were raked

The procedures were carried out by the Corrientes Police and the different forces, whose current work focuses on reviewing all the water bodies, lagoons and abandoned wells.

Rakes are also carried out in the thick of the dense mountains, while the Public Prosecutor’s Office (MPF) advanced with other work on the investigative side.

The activities are supervised by the Minister of Security of Corrientes, Duarte Buenaventura; the Undersecretary of Security Osvaldo de los Santos García; and the Chief of Police, Commissioner General Alberto Arnaldo Molina, which are deployed in the jurisdiction of Regional Unit II of Goya.

In that regard, it mobilizesn more than 600 police officers specialized in different topics, who work in an articulated and uninterrupted manner both day and night. To date, they have covered an area of ​​more than 12 thousand hectares, with 250 vehicles, in addition to cavalry personnel, motorized vehicles, as well as trucks, unmanned aircraft (drones), helicopters, and others.

In that sense, technical personnel “combed” the mountains and grasslands, while the Police divers carried out extensive work when entering the extensive lagoons that proliferate in the geography, specialized in rescuing people.

With information from Noticias Argentinas and El Litoral.

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