Ditch in Los Reyitos causes road problems and affects vehicles – El Sol de San Luis

A ditch that for days was abandoned without repair on Madrigal Street, in the Los Reyitos neighborhood, is causing road problems and above all, damage to vehicles that they cross there, because now with the rains it is not very visible.

The ditch, which is literally covered in waterhas caused some mishaps, especially to the detriment of cyclists and motorcyclists, Nearby merchants reported that they demand the prompt solution to that problem.

They highlighted that the ditch was opened for the fixing a collapsed drain of a home seizure, but they did not specify whether those who intervened were workers of the water and sewage operating bodyor, Interapas, or individuals; literally covers bench to bench.

The ditch is located on the aforementioned street that is very busyclose to the street Gertrudis Uribe y Martínez, and now due to the rains it has filled with water and is not visible to motorists; Others choose to maneuver and cross due to the limited free space, but they generate traffic.

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Likewise, they requested a review of the hydraulic and sanitary networks because they frequently collapse and cause drinking water to leak or sewage to spill; However, it was recalled that the area is crossed by a geological fault that could be the cause of the constant collapses.

Incidentally, the merchants who contacted The Sun of San Luis They requested attention to improve the police surveillance in that neighborhood and its surroundings, since street robberies and robberies in some establishments are frequent.

They indicated that the area is unsafe, because several have been registered homicides from previous years, and they do not know if any of them have already been resolved; The insecurity problems were also made known to candidates who campaigned in Los Reyitos and that they offered to intervene, but at the moment they have not noticed any improvement, in addition to the fact that the municipal authoritiess have not appeared in the colony for a year.

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