The nation has not sent condoms for more than three months and Mendoza is trying to “manage” what is available

While the use of preservative It is a fundamental tool to prevent HIV, Mendoza has not received the input from the Nation for more than three months and they acknowledge that they are “managing” what they have available. A reality that disrupts any prevention campaign, they warned, considering that there are no prophylactics to give to “everyone.”

The public that goes daily to look for condoms is limited. The last delivery we received was three months ago and the national tender is halted. There is total uncertainty, but we are managing what we have.“, he assured Victor Bittarhead of the Provincial HIV Response Program.

And I add: “We cannot tell people that they should use condoms as prevention, when later we do not have them to give them.“.

The nation did not hold a new tender for the purchase of condoms. Photo: El Sol.

Mendoza will go out to buy condoms

Faced with a shortage that also affects the Provincial Reproductive Health Program, and which at the moment has no solution date, A request has been made to strengthen the budget allocation to purchase condoms from the Province.

Meanwhile, Bittar confirmed that priority is given to “key populations“, and stated that the distribution network of the program continues, so HIV patients are guaranteed the delivery of condomsalthough they are given less quantity.

According to data from the Provincial HIV Response ProgramMendoza registers, from Monday to Friday, one new case of infection per day; accounting for a total of between 300 and 350 new patients per year.

“There’s no money”

In the midst of a budget cut by the government of Javier Milei, and under the motto “there’s no money“, The tender that would allow the normal supply of condoms is haltedand there are no details on when it could be unlocked.

Although the situation has worsened in recent months, the restriction began in May 2023, when the Nation began sending fewer supplies.

The cuts in the National Government’s report included condoms. Photo: El Sol.

time ago40 boxes with 1,440 condoms were sent monthly to Mendoza each. Today, shipments do not arrive every month and furthermore, the number of boxes was reduced to 26.

The last delivery was more than three months agoand from the provincial program they explain that They don’t know when they might receive a new batch.

Free testing

Within the framework of the International HIV Testing Day which takes place every June 27, Mendoza will carry out rapid testing and counseling at different points in the province.

According to the Huésped Foundation, 4,800 new cases are reported per year in the country, a 17% of the population is unaware of their diagnosisand in a 98% of cases the virus is transmitted sexually.

HIV has no symptoms, so The only way to detect it is through a test. The analysis is voluntary, confidential and does not require a doctor’s order.

On this occasion, the tests will be carried out in the centres by means of a rapid test, in which a few drops of blood from the tip of a finger are deposited on a test strip and whose result is obtained twenty minutes later.

We don’t just think about the result, we are interested in emphasizing the issue of advice.“, highlighted Víctor Bittar.

Meanwhile, the testing schedules and centers available during the day this Thursday are the following:

  • Departmental Square of Godoy Cruzfrom 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
  • Departmental Square of Rivadaviafrom 9 to 12.
  • CAPS No. 31 Health Area of Luján de Cuyofrom 8 to 13.
  • CAPS “Colonia Las Rosas” Tunuyanfrom 7 to 10.
  • Argentine Nurses Hospital of General Alvearfrom 9 to 12.
  • Tagarelli Hospital of Saint Charlesfrom 10 to 12.
  • Dr. Emilio Center CONIGodoy Cruz street 187, from 8 to 10.
  • CePAT Rock & Vida, San Luis Street 285, from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.

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