«At night the risk for taxi drivers is very high»

«At night the risk for taxi drivers is very high»
«At night the risk for taxi drivers is very high»

Sunday, June 23, 2024, 11:13

Readers send a warning to those who do not support public affairs and understand that taxi drivers do not want to work at night because of the risks. There is also room to applaud the days of Briones or the good work of a doctor from Labradors.

  1. When will a Riojan conception plan

“There is a Rioja contraception plan that has a high grade, except in terms of healthcare,” introduces the first communicator, who recalls that “only three gynecologists out of 26 perform pharmacological abortions.” Regarding this, he asks: «Why is there no Riojan conception plan? Or are we going to normalize abortion to the point that it will be more frequent than births? «Woe betide those who have dog-children in thirty years. What a sad picture a couple with their dog-child », he concludes.

  1. Congratulations to the town of Briones

The reader says that last weekend he went to Briones to enjoy his medieval days. “I was pleasantly surprised, both by how they organized the medieval event and by the town itself,” he explains. “The truth is that it doesn’t surprise me that it is one of the most beautiful towns in Spain and, for that reason, I wanted to congratulate them.” .

  1. Thanks to a doctor from Labradors

The woman contacts this section of the newspaper to thank Dr. Ardanza, a family doctor at the Labradores health center. “He was replaced a long time ago by the former doctor and I wanted to thank him for his good work.” , humanity and professionalism. My mother is 97 years old and she doesn’t leave her for a moment. “He looks at her wonderfully and is attentive to her with tremendous interest.” “I wish there were many more doctors like him.”

  1. Whoever does not pay for the public, dismantles it

“I am very amused by these people who work in the public sector and say that they are defenders of the public,” says the speaker. «And, in turn, they have rented apartments and do not pay the Treasury, they sell things and do not pay the Treasury… What they do is deceive the Treasury. They don’t put a euro for the public and what they want is to suck from it. Are these people the defenders of the public or the ones who eat up the public? Do more so that there isn’t so much chorizo. “He who does not pay for what is public, dismantles what is public,” she considers.

  1. Sinkholes on Labradores Street

He wants to add his opinion to the comments that circulate among the residents of Labradores street, specifically in the section of Vitoria and Pérez Galdós, due to the holes that exist. «This road is very busy and they are getting bigger and bigger. We have counted to six. We wonder if it is so difficult to patch the sinkholes to avoid danger, because some are very deep,” he says.

  1. The high risk of taxi drivers at night

The man phones to support the taxi drivers in their night work. «At night – he indicates – the risk for taxi drivers is very high. “A professional who is exposed to having the day’s earnings, his cell phone or even his vehicle stolen.” «I see very well that taxi drivers don’t even go out at night because the risk is very high. It is better to lose a trip than to lose your life on it. I agree with the taxi drivers », he concludes.

  1. About Albelda’s incident to a woman

«I call a woman from Albelda, dismayed by the new violence. I find it incredible. The protection mechanisms for women do not work and a lot of money is spent on it. Special monitoring of this case had to be done. This woman is suffering excessive persecution. “The government delegate, a judge, the police, the town council… someone had to do something, it’s a bloody case,” she says.

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Weeds sprout on Entrena street in Logroño

The Burgos Avenue area, in Logroño, continues to be a source of criticism. A reader looks sadly today at the confluence with Entrena Street. “It is full of brambles, weeds, garbage under the trees…” he says. The citizen cannot understand why this area is not cleaned, these details of “neglect” already seem too much to him and that is why he draws attention to them.

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    the greatest number of calls, be brief, clear and concise in your presentation. The newspaper will respect the anonymity of readers who contact this section, but it will be necessary for them to state their name and contact telephone number, in case it is necessary to verify the origin of any of the calls. In no case will messages with disqualifications towards third parties be published. Political criticism of people and institutions has its specific space in the “Letters to the Director” section, in the Opinion pages of Diario LA RIOJA.

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