In Unión de Reyes, solve problems together

In Unión de Reyes, solve problems together
In Unión de Reyes, solve problems together

Unión de Reyes, Matanzas, June 23 (ACN) This Saturday dawns cloudy in western Cuba and it seems that the rains of recent days will continue to accompany the inhabitants of this region of the country. However, this does not prevent the President of the Republic, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, from including in his agenda that seals the week, a tour of the Matanzas municipality of Unión de Reyes, land of poets and peasant roots.

Also read: To be one of those who inspire, Díaz-Canel encourages in Unión de Reyes (+Photos)

The president began his tour in a neighborhood of the town of Juan Gualberto Gómez, also known as Sabanilla – the Cuban patriot’s native land, where he was received with tenths that symbolize the identity of the Unionenses.

Walking along Independencia Street, accompanied by the people, the Head of State learned details of the social transformations that are being carried out, which include the renovation of homes, the rescue of the House of Culture, the incorporation of young people into study and work, and care for vulnerable families.

Guided by Glairis Frómeta, president of the Popular Council, the president began the walk – surrounded by residents – along the main road of the neighborhood that has for some time put colors on its facades and has paved streets, despite the harsh conditions in those that Cuba experiences and from which this municipality of deep-rooted cultural traditions is not exempt.

Díaz-Canel spoke with the neighbors about the concerns that the community presents today, most of them, issues of economic and social impact that are reflected in the national reality: food production, prices, electricity generation…

Here also the Cuban President returned to the question that he poses in each municipality visited: How do we promote work on the basis that there are things that are done well in a group of places, achieving results; while in others they don’t work well?

In that sense, he highlighted the social transformation program being developed in the Juan Gualberto Gómez town, which has been carried out at a difficult time. “We must build prosperity,” the president stressed, a concept to which he added that “we must build it together, taking advantage of talent and without giving up.”

These tours that we take throughout the country, Díaz-Canel said, constitute an experience that allows us to identify what is wrong and share good experiences.

As part of his program in Unión de Reyes, the president also visited the teaching polyclinic in the town of Alacranes, Octavio de la Concepción, where he verified the quality of several health services, including the rehabilitation room.

At the medical institution he spoke with managers, specialists and workers, whom he recognized for their work for the benefit of the people. There, care is provided to more than 18 thousand people from the Popular Councils of five towns in the municipality.

The Alacranes polyclinic has urgent and emergency services, on-call service, electrocardiogram service, ultrasound and clinical laboratory, among others. Precisely, one of the new services is X-rays, with digital technology, which was explained to the Cuban president.

After appreciating some of the achievements in the social field, achieved in one of the most complicated periods for the country, the tour continued at the Municipal Agroindustrial Company of Unión de Reyes, created in August of last year, where Díaz-Canel was interested due to the progress of economic and productive indicators.

Its director, Esteban Cáceres González, told the president that the entity emerged after the disintegration of a base business unit with losses.

In just ten months, the new company already has profits and hopes to plant, between 2024 and 2025, some 600 hectares of land with various crops, whose destiny is, first of all, the self-sufficiency of the municipality, as well as the province and other territories of the country. .

Cáceres González assured that after the creation of this company they have a quite acceptable situation: they met their sales and have profits. Then, the president took the opportunity to offer his assessments about the role that the socialist state company should play in the current conditions of Cuba, a topic where Mario Sabines Lorenzo, First Secretary of the Provincial Committee of the Party, also participated.

Next, and before closing the day with the usual meeting held by the President and the highest authorities of the territory, Díaz-Canel once again exchanged with the population. He walked a few meters towards the crowd and spoke to the Unionenses, who were waiting for him near the headquarters of the Municipal Committee of the party organization.

The visit to the municipality and the challenges of the nation in the current circumstances were among the issues he spoke about to the inhabitants of Unión de Reyes, whom he invited to “resolve the problems together, so that the country can move forward.” .

Searching for solutions, creating, making things work well, facing the impacts of the blockade by working, were some of the concepts shared by the president with the population, when evaluating the results of the visit that he defined as “stimulating.”

“There is enough land here to produce the food that the municipality needs,” Díaz-Canel insisted; also emphasizing the need to respond to the people’s dissatisfactions on sensitive issues such as water supply, transportation and prices, among many others.

“Continue working with that spirit and with the same commitment, so that together we can move forward,” the Cuban president called on a representation of the inhabitants of Unión de Reyes.

Since this work system began last January, this is the fifth time that Díaz-Canel tours the Yumurina land. To date, the Cuban president had already visited the municipalities of Colón, Cárdenas, Jovellanos and Jagüey Grande.

(Taken from the Presidency site)

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