Neuquén unions expressed solidarity with ATEN and rejected teacher presenteeism, “in defense of labor rights”

Organizations unions and social organizations of Neuquén They issued a statement in which they expressed solidarity with ATEN and rejected the teacher presenteeism project which is dealt with in the Legislature, which the union of education workers considered it an “attack.” «We call on the provincial deputies to “not violate constitutionally enshrined rights,” The unions UPCN, ANEL, CEC, Sejun and more stated in the letter.

The project of Incentive for Teacher Professional Development proposes for the teaching staff to “provide effective functions by teaching, directing, supervising, guiding and collaborating in teaching tasks within the provincial educational system” the quarterly payment of an additional amount of 10% of the assignment of the position that corresponds monthly to each worker.

The teachers union called for an “urgent” plenary session this SundayHe warned that this is “a direct attack” on working conditions and “covert presenteeism” for Neuquén teachers.

At the same time, unions and organizations of Neuquén released a statement in solidarity with ATEN and rejecting the project. «We oppose it because It represents the cancellation of the collective discussion between education workers, teachers and the employer sectors: the State and the private employers’ chambers,” they explained.

«No one could deny the important task that teachers perform, and its importance for the entire population, to guarantee the social and individual right to education, at all levels and modalities”they wrote.

They also added that “no one could ignore the poor general conditions of educational infrastructure and the number of days of school that our children lose linked to this situation.

They commented that in the foundations of the project “it is suggested that The lack of budget is the responsibility of the teaching community. for school constructions; “They are prejudicedly described as irresponsible and lacking training.”

“This is a tremendous lack of respect towards those who show ample evidence of commitment to their work from a State power that should take care of them and guarantee them decent salaries and working conditions, which would also be the learning conditions deserved for thousands of students in our extensive provincial territory,” they wrote.

They assured that the Incentive work “is prohibited by our constitution and collective bargaining is a guarantee of both the provincial and national constitutions.

For this reason, the unionized workers expressed their “deep concern about the possibility that this measure or others in line with the labor reforms promoted by the National government, become generalized towards the rest of the State workers, their different powers and the productive and service activities of the private sector.

Thus, they called the provincial deputies to “not violate constitutionally enshrined rights, to abandon that unjustly disparaging view of teachers and “Do not support with your vote this initiative that curtails rights and stigmatizes a sector of workers.”

The document was signed by UPCN, ANEL, CEC, Sejun, Fasemp, SIPROSAPUNE, Unvap, Adunc, Apunc, Fatpren, Fatsa, Sacra, Sarec, Pastry Workers Union, ATFN, Remises Drivers Union, Judicial Employees of the Nation, Satsaid, Uatre, Supara, Ajeproc, Mapuche Confederation of Neuquen (Xawvnko), Mapuche Education Center Norgvbamtuleayiñ, Labor Law Institute of the Bar Association, CTEP, Territorio Evita, MTD, Identity, CCC, Descamisados.

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