Organizations and unions stand against presenteeism in Neuquén

Organizations and unions stand against presenteeism in Neuquén
Organizations and unions stand against presenteeism in Neuquén

Through a statement, signed by 28 organizationsexpressed that: “In the foundations of the project it is suggested that the lack of budget for the construction of schools is the responsibility of the teaching community; They are prejudicedly described as irresponsible and lacking training.”.

In this context, they stated that this “It is a tremendous lack of respect towards those who show ample signs of commitment with their work on behalf of a State Power that should take care of them and guarantee them decent salaries and working conditions that would also be the learning conditions deserved for thousands of students in our extensive provincial territory.”

Legislature of Neuquen.jpg

At the same time, they pointed out that “no one could deny the important task that teachers perform,” in reference to their impact on the population in order to guarantee the right to education “at all levels and modalities.”

Likewise, they maintained that “no one could ignore the general poor conditions of the educational infrastructure and the number of days of school that our children lose linked to this situation.”

Under these arguments, organizations They called on “provincial deputies not to violate constitutionally enshrined rights.”to abandon that unjustly disvaluing view of teachers and not to support this initiative that curtails rights and stigmatizes a sector of workers.”

An “unconstitutional” project

In their statement, the organizations stated that Incentive work “is prohibited by the Constitution” and that collective bargaining “is a guarantee of both the Provincial and National Constitutions.”

For this reason, the unionized workers expressed their “deep concern that this measure or others in line with the labor reforms promoted by the National Government, generalize to the rest of the State workersits different powers and the productive and service activities of the private sector.”

In this framework, the organizations renewed their position “in defense of public education and teacher labor rights.”

The statement is signed by: State UPCN, Legislative ANEL, CEC Commercial Employees, SEJUN Judicial de Nq, FASEMP Municipal Employees Federation, SIPROSAPUNE Public Health Professionals Nqn, UNVAP Viales Nqn, ADUNC Teachers UNCo, APUNC Non-Teachers UNCo, Union of Neuquén Press, FATPREN, FATSA Sanidad, SACRA Housewives, SAREC Neuquén Recyclers, Pastry Workers Union, ATFN Pharmacy, Remises Drivers Union, Judicial Employees of the Nation – Satsaid Televisión, UATRE Rural Workers, SUPARA Customs Workers, Mapuche Confederation of Neuquen (Xawvnko), Mapuche Education Center Norgvbamtuleayiñ, Labor Law Institute of the Bar Association, CTEP – TERRITORIO EVITA, MTD, IDENTIDAD, CCC Corriente Clasista y Combativa, DECAMISADOS.

ATTENTION: rejection of the bonus due to presenteeism

ATTENTION rejected the legislative project to reward teachers who do not miss out and are trained with a salary bonus. The initiative was presented by deputies from different parties and took parliamentary status last Wednesday.

“Today we learned that there is a project in the Provincial Legislature that aims to reinstate presentism to public school teachers,” the union published on Facebook.

“This means a clear regression not only in our rights but also in times of sobischism in which the adjustment variable was the health of our colleagues, times to which we clearly do not want to return,” he added.

Marcelo Guagliardo, general secretary of ATEN.

Marcelo Guagliardo, general secretary of ATEN.

“We consider that this project is part of the same policies with which the National Government is definancing education, not contributing to improving the situation of schools with buildings in poor condition, in a context of economic and social crisis that all students are going through today. sectors that make it up,” added the teaching union, which heads Marcelo Guagliardo.

“It seems that it is easier to attack the rights of workers than to demand, as provincial legislators, from the National Government, what we are legally entitled to for educational financing,” he said.

“From ATEN We strongly reject this and any other initiative that tries to affect our rights and we declare ourselves in a state of alert and mobilization,” concluded the union’s statement.

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