Artificial Intelligence reveals where the most unpunctual people in the Metropolitan Region live – En Cancha

Artificial Intelligence reveals where the most unpunctual people in the Metropolitan Region live – En Cancha
Artificial Intelligence reveals where the most unpunctual people in the Metropolitan Region live – En Cancha

We all have someone we know always late for everythingwhether to meetings, events, parties as well as to their respective work.

Although it is impossible to make generalizations in this regard, Google’s artificial intelligence, Geminicarried out a general analysis of all the communes of the Metropolitan Region in order to find the place where the least stalwart people in the capital live.

Where do the most late people in the Metropolitan Region live?

According to Geminiwho live in the commune of Macul tend to be the most unpunctual people in the entire Metropolitan Region.

To do this, the AI ​​was based on data collected on the internet from 2019 to date, which shows that those who live in said sector have a average delay to work of 18.5 minutes.

In Macul there would be the least punctual people.

After Macul, come the neighbors of Providencia and Florida. Meanwhile, those who live in Central Station would be the ones with the lowest average delay to work with some 12.5 minutes on average.

Of course, Google’s own AI emphasizes that the factors that can lead to these tardinesses lie in the traffic, type of work or conditions of each company.


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