Four children disappear every day in Argentina – The reliable data – Opinion

Four children disappear every day in Argentina – The reliable data – Opinion
Four children disappear every day in Argentina – The reliable data – Opinion

I have been following an issue that worries me deeply and that I think should worry all Argentines: the daily disappearance of children in our country. According to Ana Rosa Llobet, president of Missing Children Argentina, four complaints are filed per day for missing children. This adds up to an alarming total of nearly 1,500 complaints per year.

These numbers are disturbing and we cannot ignore them. More than 95% of these children are found, but that does not diminish the severity of the problem. Many might argue that some minors simply get angry with their parents and decide to leave or visit a friend or family member without permission. But that does not change the fact that every time a complaint is filed, search protocols are activated.

There are currently more than 100 missing children in Argentina; 74 minors and 38 majors. Why do I mention the elders? Because many disappeared as children and were never found, which keeps the alert active.

Another shocking fact is the change in the average age of missing teenagers. Until recently it was between 16 and 17 years old; Now that average has dropped to between 2 and 13 years old.

As a result of the Loan case, we learned about the case of Carlos González, who has been searching for his son Carlitos for more than three decades. There is also the case of Marina Fernanda Aragunde who disappeared in 1995 and to date has not been found. And these are just a few examples from a list that continues to grow.

Given this situation, the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, announced that she will travel to Paraguay to meet with local police authorities amid suspicions of possible human trafficking operations. Meanwhile, the governor of Corrientes, Gustavo Valdés, assures that all State forces are looking for Loan and will not rest until they know what happened to him.

The protocol SOFIA Alert is activated to search for missing children quickly. However, it is important to ask whether this system is working efficiently or whether it needs improvement. The delay in the implementation of the protocol is an issue that is currently under discussion.

The daily disappearance of children in Argentina is a serious and urgent problem. It is essential that we all stay informed and alert to help find these minors as quickly as possible.


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