They launch a campaign to help those affected by the floods in Cuba

They launch a campaign to help those affected by the floods in Cuba
They launch a campaign to help those affected by the floods in Cuba

Photo: RRSS

Text: Fede Gayardo

Havana suffered this weekend the impact of heavy rains that left severe flooding in several areas of the city. Following this scenario, several Cuban activists have decided to launch a campaign to request help from affected families.

This gesture of solidarity was promoted by activist Johanna Jolá Álvarez, who urged to save lives from her Facebook profile.

“The HUELLAS team (citizen initiative) begins collecting donations for the victims of the Cuban capital,” Jolá wrote.

In addition, he detailed some of the products that they are collecting “with the aim of helping affected families.”

These would be: Toiletries, Canned or packaged foods, Clothing and footwear, School supplies, Toys and board games, Bedding (sheets, towels, etc.), and Medications.

Later, the activist indicated that “the heavy rains in the capital give rise to new landslides and flooding in low areas, which cause many Cuban families to lose the little they have.”

He also insisted that “the worst is yet to come when the rains stop,” referring to the landslides that occur mostly when the rains stop and the sun comes out due to the structural weakening caused by flooding of buildings.

Finally, the publication shows the example of Roxana, in Playa, who “gave her contribution thinking about those families who need them so much. The HUELLAS team appreciates the trust placed and we will give into those Cuban hands that need so much love every donation received from the people and for the people.”

Once again, solidarity among Cubans is evident, now in response to a meteorological event. On other occasions, activists and social groups on the island have also taken this initiative to help the most vulnerable in the face of this type of climatic situations that have affected the country.

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