Training for rural aqueduct operators in Boyacá progresses satisfactorily

Training for rural aqueduct operators in Boyacá progresses satisfactorily
Training for rural aqueduct operators in Boyacá progresses satisfactorily

These actions will improve the quality, quantity and continuity of the water resource.

Tunja, June 24, 2024. (UACP). One of the key activities carried out by the Secretariat of Environment and Sustainable Development of Boyacá is the operation and maintenance of rural aqueducts, an activity carried out by treatment plant operators, plumbers or personnel defined for this purpose.

Lina Monroy, director of Water Resources and Drinking Water of this sector, reported that, together with the Boyacá Regional SENA, a training and certification process in labor skills is being carried out for plumbers and operators of aqueduct systems with the aim of strengthen their capabilities.

These trainings last three days and are being held in several provinces of the department.

To date, 20 plumbers from the provinces of Márquez and Lengupá and 35 from Puerto Boyacá (special management area) have been trained. Soon, he will begin training in Saboyá and later in Moniquirá and Tasco.

The initiative is designed to technically and organizationally strengthen the aqueducts identified and prioritized in the rural areas of Boyacá. The objective is to ensure that the providers of drinking water supply systems improve quality and report low risk on the Water Quality Risk Index (IRCA) scale.

Likewise, through deepening knowledge about hydraulic and sanitary installations, they will be able to focus on the particularities of rural community aqueducts through theoretical and practical methodologies.

The Director of Water Resources of the sector pointed out the benefits obtained by those who participate:

* Updating knowledge about plumbing, generating greater commitment to the mission and vision of the aqueduct associations.

* Certification in work skills, as required by the health authority.

* A space for meeting and reflecting on the need to strengthen aqueducts through the exchange of knowledge and knowledge of the territory.

Thus, the workers known as plumbers and the personnel who operate the community aqueduct plants in rural areas of the department will strengthen knowledge and skills that will contribute to the provision of drinking water services in line with the quality standards required for the human consumption.

(Carmenza Reyes B.- UACP)
Communications and Protocol Administrative Unit.
Boyacá Governorate.

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