Cuba welcomes progress in the peace process in Colombia

Cuba welcomes progress in the peace process in Colombia
Cuba welcomes progress in the peace process in Colombia

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This day, in Caracas, capital of Venezuela, the Peace Dialogue Table and negotiations between both forces were formally installed, as announced to national and international public opinion by Gloria Arias, for the Colombian Executive, and Yurleni Guerrero, for the dissident guerrilla. of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of that country.

Arias and Guerrero announced that starting tomorrow and until next June 29, the talks will take place, which aim to develop the specific topics of the peace dialogue agenda and define the protocols of the negotiations.

Furthermore, the contenders invited the country in a joint statement to take ownership of this debt and participate in the process in a constructive manner.

The governments of Cuba, Norway and Venezuela participate as guarantor countries in this table.



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