Discounts on salaries of libertarian employees

Discounts on salaries of libertarian employees
Discounts on salaries of libertarian employees

June 25, 2024 – 01:02

The president of the block of provincial deputies of Libertad Avanza, Adrián Brizuela, formally requested the authorities of the lower house to proceed with the discount for party contributions to 29 employees who work in the libertarian bench.

The request was made by note to the president of the Chamber, Paola Fedeli. The letter is dated April 18, so if the House authorities accepted the request, it would already be fulfilled.

“I am writing to you and through you to whomever corresponds to request a 5% discount on the salary of the agents belonging to Libertad Avanza, corresponding to the contributions of the party,” says the note signed by Brizuela presented at the entrance table of the Private Secretariat of the Presidency to which El Ancasti had access.

In this sense, the head of the libertarian block requests that “the collection” of the discounts must be deposited in the bank account of Elio Daniel Molina and for this to happen he attaches all the data of this person such as DNI, CBU, CUIL, number of account and alias.

With Brizuela’s request, the proceeds collected as party contributions will not be deposited in an account corresponding to the political force to which the legislative employees belong or are affiliated, as is generally the case, but rather in the account of an individual.

The discount to employees for party contributions is a common practice within the provincial Legislature. It is generally done to the agents who are part of the political staff (who are appointed by the legislators when they assume their seats), as well as to the legislators themselves. This money is used to cover the expenses of the political force to which the employees belong and for which the deputies or senators were elected, such as rent for the headquarters, payment of services and personnel in charge of those buildings.

Deposits are generally made to accounts of the party in question created especially for this purpose and which are in charge of the treasurers of the political force.

Elio Daniel Molina, owner of the bank account to which the House authorities must transfer the 5% discounts, is a local libertarian leader who was a candidate for senator for the Capital for Freedom Advances in the October elections of last year.

Without Baigorri

In addition to Brizuela’s signature, the note and the corresponding annex where there are the names of the agents who work in the libertarian bloc and to whom the discounts will be made, have the signatures of the deputy Jonathan Lencina and the deputies Verónica Vallejos and Ana Lía Aguaisol.

The signature of the fifth libertarian deputy, Fernando Baigorrí, is not there. This legislator heads the local affiliate of the MID party and has long been differentiating himself from his peers in the bloc.


In total and according to the note sent by Brizuela to Fedeli, there are 29 employees who will be discounted 5% of their salaries.

Of this total, six work with Deputy Aguaisol, eight serve with Deputy Lencina, five are with the president of the bloc, Adrián Brizuela, eight report to Deputy Vallejos’ office and two are bloc advisors.

There is no employee on the list who works in the Baigorrí.n office.


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