Wado de Pedro’s warning about inequality: The Bases Law comes to accentuate these differences

Wado de Pedro’s warning about inequality: The Bases Law comes to accentuate these differences
Wado de Pedro’s warning about inequality: The Bases Law comes to accentuate these differences

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This Monday, the Senator had also attacked the libertarian Government for the increase in unemployment. “Unemployment increased from 5.7 to 7.7% (35%) between the last quarter of last year and the first of this year, especially harming young people and women. The same recipes that have already failed, with the same results : recession, unemployment and poverty,” he explained.

The INDEC data that puts the Government in check

This Monday, INDEC announced that there was a brutal drop in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Argentina: 5.4% in the first quarter of the year. The official data is lapidary: 5.4% drop compared to the same quarter of the previous year and a drop of 2.6% compared to the last quarter of 2023.

Consumption fell by 6.7% at the private level and 5.0% at the public level in year-on-year terms and investments fell by 23%. The manufacturing industry showed a drop of 13.7%, construction showed negative numbers with -19.7% and trade lost -8.7%. And so, in all indicators.

On the other hand, this afternoon the Gini coefficient was known, which measures the per capita income of families. In this sense, it revealed that inequality between rich and poor not only increased during the first quarter of 2024, but also reached record levels since 2016.

“The Gini coefficient of people’s family per capita income was 0.467 for the first quarter of 2024, while in the same quarter of 2023 the value was 0.446, which shows a significant increase in inequality in the interannual comparison “concluded the report from the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses.


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