Weather alert for strong winds in Buenos Aires and five other provinces

Weather alert for strong winds in Buenos Aires and five other provinces
Weather alert for strong winds in Buenos Aires and five other provinces


While the extreme cold reached several parts of the country and is expected to extend throughout the week, The National Meteorological Service (SMN) issued a series of yellow and orange alerts for weather phenomena in six provinces of the countryIn addition, the national body recommended a series of suggestions so that citizens are not affected or put their health at risk due to extreme weather.

In this way, in Buenos Aires, Chubut, The Pampa, Mendoza and Black river A yellow alert is in effect for strong winds., especially from the west or northwest. They will be able to reach speeds of between 30 and 50 kilometers, and gusts that will reach 70 km/h. Against this, The population is urged to avoid outdoor activities, secure items that can fly away, and stay informed by authorities.

This warning – which involves “possible meteorological phenomena with the capacity to cause damage and risk of momentary interruption of daily activities” – is in effect in the localities Buenos Aires from General Pueyrredón, Mar Chiquita, General Alvarado, Adolfo Gonzales Chaves, Lobería, Coronel Dorrego, Necochea, San Cayetano, Tres Arroyos, Bahía Blanca, Patagones, Villarino, Puan, Coronel Pringles, Coronel Suárez, Saavedra, Tornquist, Saavedra, Marina Leonardo Rosales and Monte Hermoso. In the same way, the alert applies in Caleu Caleu, Hucal, Curacó and Lihuel Calel, in The Pampa; Malargüe and San Rafael, in Mendoza; Cushamen, Futaleufú, Languiñeo, Tehuelches, Gastre, Mártires, Telsen and Paso de Indios, in Santa Cruz; and in the entire provinces of Río Negro and Neuquén.

Likewise, in the province of Neuquen there is a Orange alert for the same phenomenon, which implies a “danger” for society, life, property and the environment.

In Chubut In addition, a yellow level warning applies snowfall and in Neuquen and Black river an orange. These areas will be affected by heavy snowfall and accumulated snow values ​​between 30 and 60 cm are expected, which may be exceeded occasionally. Additionally, in lower areas, precipitation could come in the form of mixed rain and snow.

These last two provinces also present a yellow alert for rain of moderate or strong intensity, where accumulated precipitation values ​​are estimated to be between 15 and 30 mm that can be exceeded occasionally. Faced with these phenomena, the SMN recommends:

In several regions of the country there is also a yellow level alert due to extreme coldwhich can have a “mild to moderate effect on health” and be dangerous for risk groups such as children, people over 65 years of age and people with chronic diseases.

The affected regions are Lago Buenos Aires, Rio Chico, Lago Argentino and Güer Aike, in Santa Cruz; Ayacucho, Chacabuco, Junín, Libertador General San Martín and General Pedernera, in saint Louis; Cruz del Eje, Minas, Pocho, San Alberto, San Javier, Rio Cuarto and Calamuchita, in Cordova; Chamical, General Belgrano, General Ocampo, Juan Facundo Quiroga, San Martín and Vera Peñaloza, in The Rioja; El Carmen, Ledesma, Palpalá, San Antonio, San Pedro, Santa Bárbara, Villa Grande, Doctor Manuel Belgrano and Tilcara, in Jujuy; and José de San Martín, Iruya, Orán and Santa Victoria, in Jump.


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