Battle of figures between Health and unions on strikes in hospitals and Primary Care in Córdoba

Battle of figures between the Health counseling and the unions conveners of the three-hour strike in Andalusian Health this Wednesday in the province of Córdoba. Both CC.OO. such as Satse, CSIF and UGT has estimated support in “a high participation” reaching a follow-up of “among the 85 and 90 percent “despite the hindering measures, since the SAS has not published the agreed minimum services.”

For its part, and according to data from the Junta de Andalucía, the monitoring would have been in Córdoba on 3.17% and 217 professionals. At the Andalusian level it has risen to 4.56%. Of the 60,655 professionals called to strike who were on the morning shift, 2,768 have supported the strike. The call affected all hospital centers in the province and Primary Care.

The general secretary of the Union of Health and Social-Health Sectors of CC.OO. Córdoba and delegate of the Personnel Board of the Queen Sofia HospitalJosé Damas, has denounced that “many workers have suffered pressure from health directorates in order not to support the strikes; despite this, there have been services that have stopped completely, such as Cardiology, Rehabilitation, Laundry or Warehouse.

The convening union centers appeal to the data published by the Ministry of Health on its website that “confirms that in the last two years 1,378 professionals have been lost in the province” and the Reina Sofía Hospital has reduced its staff by 875 professionals, to which must be added to the almost 600 contracts not renewed on May 31 for professionals who “had been serving for more than three years, occupying positions that, in reality, are structural,” they noted in a note.

«The lack of personnel is causing us to have underused healthcare infrastructure“said the union official who recalls that “this detriment to the workforce means that in the last 6 months the Córdoba hospital has increased the waiting lists by 818 people,” said Damas.

By province, monitoring according to the Junta de Andalucía Almería has 6.82% monitoring and 374 unemployed professionals; in Cádiz, 7.04% and 417 unemployed professionals; Cordoba, 3.17% and 217 professionals; Granada, 9.33% and 586 professionals; Huelva, 2.99% and 122 professionals; Jaén, 2.53% and 129 professionals; Málaga, 3.85% and 534 professionals, and in Seville, 2.98% monitoring and 389 professionals on strike.

Summer contracts

“The Department of Health and Consumer Affairs understands and appreciates the concerns that have led to the recent strike in all health centres, and, as it cannot be otherwise, we respect any protest action,” they said in a statement.

Health has called on the unions of a resume dialogue and “continue working together.” Our common objective is “to strengthen and improve the public health system, thus guaranteeing quality and accessible care for all citizens.”

Regarding summer hiring, the convening unions, in the words of the representative of CC.OO. They have described as “trollers” the numbers that point to some 3,000 hires (almost 200 more than last summer) in Córdoba. «They say they have increased the number of hires by 3.15%, but they do not say that these hires have a very high number. lower number of effective contract days».

Other demands of this strike include: referral to private companies with the aim of reducing waiting lists, the delay in the publication of the SAS Stock Exchange listings or the “excessive stress, continuous pressures and an unusual work overload” resulting from cuts in staff, they have explained.

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