Córdoba Legislature: what are the PJ’s letters to approve the expenses of the last year of the Schiaretti administration

In a marathon sessionand in the midst of parity, The ruling party will approve – with just enough – the 2023 Investment Account. The debate promises strong criticism from the hawkish wing of Together for Change (JxC) and from the monoblocs of neighborhoodism and the left that go for rejection. From the PJ they attribute to the hard-core changeists for “opposing everything” and seeking to “block the government.”

The majority office of the Economy and Budget commission to the Investment Account corresponding to the Financial Year 2023 will arrive at the venue this afternoon. An extensive and heated debate is expected –at times– due to the crossings between the ruling party and the JxC hawks over provincial finances.

The opposition plays the Court of Accounts and rejected for the first time in history the surplus left by Schiaretti

In the midst of the clash of forces, We do United for Córdoba (HUxC) and its captain ally Karina Bruno promote the approval of the 2023 financial year report from the province. The PJ does not rule out that adds the libertarian Agustín Spaccesi with your approval. In this case, and given the parity with the opponents who reject it, the tie-breaking vote of Vice Governor Myrian Prunotto would be decisive.

However, there is another scenario that has a good chance of prospering. With the JxC interblock locked in its refusal, the ruling party could count on the abstentions of at least two of the three PRO parliamentarians. This would enable its approval.

A yellow source announced that “abstention or going negative” is being analyzed.. In any case, there is a probability that Oscar Tamis and Patricia Botta will abstain at the time of the vote.


The head of the UCR block, Matias Gvozdenovichharshly criticized the PJ government by warning that “for every peso that the central administration spends, they spend two pesos without any type of control since they pass it through decentralized administration and outside the control of the Court of Accounts.”

They transfer only 16% of the budget to the municipalities, when the law establishes 20%but they get tired of talking about federalism and there they are left with $102,159 million that should be in the municipalities,” the radical shot.

“We live in the most expensive province in the country and they continue to request loans at usurious rates, while they continue to squeeze taxpayers. That is why we do not support the investment account,” emphasized the head of the first opposition minority.

By stating his rejection of the 2023 investment account, Walter Nostrala (Frente Cívico) expressed that “the conclusions of the majority of the Court of Auditors are unobjectionable. It is very clear the very little attachment of Cordobanism to transparency and controls of public spending, the allergy produced by the accountability of the expenses of the money that the people of Cordoba contribute through their increasingly expensive taxes.

The lie is over. What they call obstructing, the Constitution defines: Control. “It is what we are supposed to do, we are doing it and we will continue to do it,” he stressed.

From the Neighborhood Encounter bloc, legislator Rodrigo Agrelo said that “the investment account proves that despite the existence of resources, for example, the 1,267 million ‘freely available’ dollars left by Juan Schiaretti in cash when he retired from the government, they are not They have fully executed budget items for health and education in 2023, among others, which would have saved many people suffering.”

In his refusal to approve the 2023 investment account, the neighborhood member advanced his arguments in the last session, when he referred to the request for a report on the bank funds received by Martín Llaryora from the previous government and an analysis of the underexecution of items that register the investment account.

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The representative of the left, Luciana Echevarría (MST-FIT Unidad) questioned: “Schiaretti’s latest accountability is a clear example of his management: many lies and numbers drawn to hide that in our province those who have the least always pay more. and that money is used to benefit concentrated economic sectors.”

It is evident that Córdoba is very indebtedthat education and health are not a priority, that state workers lost with inflation, that the definancing of the Retirement Fund -responsibility for the more than two decades of illegitimate intervention- are paid by workers and retirees with greater adjustment and that the works do not have any type of control because they are carried out through ‘black boxes’ such as ACIF and Caminos de las Sierras”, complete.

Official backlash

From the pro-government bench they attribute to the hard-core Changemists for “opposing everything” and seeking to “block the government.” The head of the HUxC block, Miguel Siciliano stated that “the role of the opposition – not all – in discussing issues as important as the investment account is a shame. They oppose everything, just in case, always… no, always trying to hinder the government.”

“These legislators believe that, by opposing everything, by saying no to everything, by throwing accusations of all kinds into the air, the people will accompany them,” he expressed and emphasized: “The old policy of just in case I I oppose, just in case I insult, just in case I put a spanner in the wheel.”

In his reply, the Peronist highlighted: “I feel that every time our government generates something positive for Córdoba they become bitter instead of rejoicing, because they prioritize politicking over the progress and teamwork that people demand of us.”

Finally, in his counterattack, Siciliano concluded: “I hope you understand that the next gubernatorial election is still three and a half years away. What they do is of no use, it is of no use to oppose everything, it is of no use to criticize everything without proposals, it is of no use to always put a spanner in the works. “People see it, people are not stupid.”

At the time of issuing the favorable opinion, the president of the commission, Ricardo Sosa, pointed out that “the 2023 balance sheets clearly show that the province of Córdoba has a fiscal surplus, as it has for 20 years.”

“This has allowed us to make the largest public works plan in the history of the province, with an investment of 8.4 billion dollars between 2015 and 2023, and today it has been exposed here with the details of all the numbers,” he said. the schiarettista.

Beltran Corvalán with Nostrala at the Court of Auditors

In 2023, The income was almost $2,773 billion and the expenses were $2,299 billion, which corresponds 75% to the central administration and the remaining 25% to the decentralized organizations.where the most important is the Retirement Fund, which represents almost 19% of the total expenditure of the non-financial public administration.

This will be the last session before the winter break. Legislators will return to the chamber on July 24. The appointment of the new Ombudsman could be left for the return. It is difficult for it to prosper on a table in this plenary session since “the investment account divides and does not unite,” launched a radical. Furthermore, 47 votes are needed (2/3 of the Chamber), and there is no agreement between the PJ and the UCR.

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