“The adjectives fall short”: César Rincón after the toppling of his statue

“The adjectives fall short”: César Rincón after the toppling of his statue
“The adjectives fall short”: César Rincón after the toppling of his statue

Master César Rincón He did not hide his sadness at the demolition of his statue yesterday Tuesday in Duitama, Boyacá, at the head of Mayor José Luis Bohórquez, by ensuring that “The qualifiers fall short.”

In dialogue with Semana magazine, he declared that although he does not want to argue, “There is no right to what happens.”

The event caused diverse reactions taking into account that in the Duitama Square which bears the name of the Colombian bullfighter, were present on director of the DPS, Gustavo Bolívar, and Senator Esmeralda Hernández (Historical Pact).

Bolívar has expressed from the beginning that the initiative was the mayor of Duitama taking into account the project to convert 15 bullrings in several cities in the country into peasant markets.

Read also: Óscar Marín, one of those killed in a plane crash in Santa Verónica: he had survived another accident in 2021

For the Colombian bullfighter, “There are no more words, the qualifiers fall short. It is unfortunate”.

It is an ideology that they want to impose on us, it is their taste. This is one more blow. I’m sad; How are we going, tomorrow they are going to censor anything else, our freedom is being restricted.”

At the time, he also declared himself surprised by the decision of the Congress of the Republic of prohibit bullfighting.

“Sare things that break one’s soul. I am a man eternally grateful to bullfighting because when I look back and see everything I have, I owe it to the fighting bull. When you realize who gives you life, if someone gives you life like your dad or mom, then you don’t want anything to ever happen to you. My bullfighting gave me everything, I was lucky to bring my entire family forward thanks to my triumphs, my successes, my perseverance, many things I had in life. “It is very sad that today bullfighting has been banned.”

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