Loan: a new photo appeared of Carlos Pérez and María Caillava from San Juan at the lunch prior to the disappearance

While the investigation into Loan’s disappearance continues, a new photo of lunch at the boy’s grandmother’s house came to light, where the child’s kidnapping began to take place.

“You’ve never seen this before, it’s a new photo from the lunch, where you can see the captain of the ship there,” Marcelo Bonelli started through the TN screen. “Exactly, María Victoria Caillava, in this image you see her in this color because it is part of the judicial file that is now going to federal Justice,” added Rodrigo Alegre.

“The two, moments after finishing eating, the photo taken from inside the house of grandmother Catalina, who spoke with Paula Bernini today,” the journalist continued. “And there you are looking at the two, some more details of this judicial file are beginning to be known that now passes to the scope of federal justice. The two people after eating, having dinner directly, who were stopped in the second round,” he deepened.

“And it is a key photo, because they are the people who are most involved, according to what the prosecutors said yesterday, with respect to the organization of the alleged kidnapping, they put them as the main people involved,” Bonelli analyzed.

“Especially to him, to Carlos Guido Pérez, who is this man from the Navy who left the Navy in 2017, who is from Bahía Blanca, who settled there in Corrientes, in the Chaco area, who had a house in Corrientes, he sporadically rented a house in Chaco, which was raided, and this photograph that is now known. I repeat, some more details are becoming known as the hours go by,” he concluded.

Carlos Guido Pérez is from San Juan, born in Jáchal.

Patricia Bullrich spoke about the Loan case after meeting with the judge of the case in Corrientes

The Minister of National Security, Patricia Bullrich, met this Tuesday in the city of Goya with the judge who will take the case of Loan’s disappearance, whose whereabouts are unknown since last June 13. “The case is in the process of going to federal justice,” the minister began in dialogue with the media present at the scene, upon leaving the courts.

“We have decided together that we are going to have a strategy to safeguard the confidentiality of the investigation. “They are going to be difficult days because it is going to be a confidential investigation,” he highlighted. “We are working together with Paraguay. We are also making contact with the Brazilian police,” he added, in relation to the work with the forces of neighboring countries in the Triple Border.

“What we saw is that here there was a first moment in which we worked on the loss hypothesis and a second moment where it was thought that everyone could be responsible for a crime of human trafficking,” she analyzed when asked about the performance. of the prosecutors. “It always hurts when someone wearing a uniform ends up detained,” she said honestly when asked about the arrest of Commissioner Maciel.

At the same time, senior officials from the Ministry of Security met this Tuesday with members of the National Police and Interpol in Paraguay, where it is suspected that the child, allegedly a victim of a crime of human trafficking and exploitation, could have been taken. For the moment, the Paraguayan Police have already ruled out this point.

Initially, Bullrich herself was scheduled to travel to Paraguay, but sources from the Ministry of Security confirmed to the EFE news agency that it was decided to “divide the teams” of the department.

It is worth remembering that for the moment, the Justice of the province of Corrientes has charged six people with the kidnapping of the child, and prosecutors Guillermo Barry and Juan Carlos Castillo indicated that the evidence collected so far leads to ruling out the hypothesis that Loan Peña has been lost.

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