“Heroes of Malvinas” ceremony and presentation of decorations within the framework of Hunting Aviation Day

On June 25, the ceremony titled “Heroes of Malvinas” was held in the III Air Brigade of Reconquista. Likewise, a few days after the commemoration of Fighter Aviation Day, the pilots of this group were awarded. specialty that played a prominent role during the South Atlantic Conflict.

In 1990, Fighter Aviation Day was established in the Argentine Air Force to commemorate the date on which Fighter Group 1 was activated, a milestone that occurred on June 22, 1931, which allowed the Institution to develop and strengthen its capabilities. air defense.

On this occasion, the event was chaired by the chief of the General Staff of the Argentine Air Force, Major Brigadier Fernando Luis Mengo, accompanied by the chief of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Armed Forces, Brigadier General Xavier Julián Isaac, the former head of the Institution, Brigadier General “VGM” (R) Mario Miguel Callejo; the deputy chief of the General Staff of the FAA, Brigadier Néstor Guajardo; the Training and Enlistment commander, Brigadier Diego García; the head of the III Air Brigade, Commodore Walter Olmedo, senior authorities of the Force; military and civilian personnel of the Unit; Malvinas War veterans, family and special guests.

The event began with the singing of the verses of the Argentine National Anthem.

Then, decree 411 of the Municipality of Reconquista of November 17, 2023 was read, in which the III Air Brigade is declared a Heroic Brigade in recognition of the heroes of the Argentine Air Force who gave their lives in defense of our Homeland during the Malvinas Deed and the Malvinas War veterans of the Institution, protagonists of this historical event. This recognition was established thanks to the proposal of the National Newberian Institute.

The document of the Municipal Council of the city of Reconquista that declares the III Air Brigade as a Heroic Brigade was also read.

Next, a religious invocation was made by the chaplain of the Unit, priest Sergio Fosechato.

Subsequently, the most anticipated moment took place: the recognition of the protagonists of the heroic deed.

A-4C Skyhawk

The personnel of Squadron I A-4C Skyhawk were awarded the Order “Heroes of Malvinas” for their outstanding condition manifested in combat situations.

First Lieutenants (PM) Jorge Eduardo Casco and Jorge Ricardo Farías, two of the 55 heroes of the Argentine Air Force, were awarded the Medal Degree “Honor for Valor in Combat”, in their place were Brigadier “VGM” ( R) Ernesto Ureta and Brigadier “VGM” (R) Daniel Paredi. This medal was also awarded to Brigadier General “VGM” (R) Normando Constantino; to Commodore “VGM” (R) Eduardo Almoño; Commodore “VGM” (R) Oscar Cuello, Brigadier “VGM” Daniel Paredi received in his place; Major “VGM” (R) Daniel Méndez.

A-4B Skyhawk

Then, the heads of Squadron I and II of the A-4B Skyhawk Weapon System were awarded the Order of Malvinas Heroes.

On this occasion, the Medal for “Combat Leadership” was awarded to Brigadier Major “VGM” (R) Rubén Gustavo Zini and, post-mortem, to Commodore “VGM” Ernesto Ricardo Dubourg, who was attended in his place by his daughter.

MV Dagger

Subsequently, it was the turn of the recognition of the I Airmobile Squadron MV Dagger with the Order “Heroes of Malvinas”.

The “Honor for Valor in Combat” Medal was awarded to Brigadier “VGM” (R) Amilcar Cimatti, in its place it was received by his daughter; Brigadier “VGM” (R) Janett; to Vice Commodore “VGM” Carlos Antonietti, who received Commodore “VGM” (R) Napoleón Martínez in his place.

Mirage IIIEA

Next, the members of the Mirage IIIEA Airmobile Squadron I were awarded the Order “Heroes of Malvinas”.

In this regard, the “Honor for Valor in Combat” Medal was awarded to Brigadiers “VGM” (R) Jorge Luis Huck, Marcelo Ernesto Puig and Carlos Alberto Arnau, in the latter case, the recognition was received by Brigadier Huck; Commodore “VGM” (R) Ricardo Alberto González; to Captain “VGM” (R) Guillermo Armando Ballesteros, who also received said recognition on behalf of Captain Marcos Czerwinski.

Subsequently, the chief of the General Staff of the Air Force presented the national decoration “The Argentine Nation for Valor in Combat” to the family of Lieutenant “VGM” Hernán Calderón after his premature death.

Then Brigadier “VGM” (R) Miguel Antonio Cruzado declared: “today the III Air Brigade, declared Heroic Brigade, welcomes us with this beautiful setting to celebrate Hunting Aviation Day.”

“This Unit that knew how to write its pages of glory during the Malvinas War, in this Brigade, years ago taught the Course on Standardization of Procedures for Combat Aviators, whose graduates were part of the different Fighter Squadrons”stated the officer.

“From the beginning, our Institution knew the importance of training its pilots to a high professional level, but above all, possessors of the particular spirit that makes them brave, the spirit of the hunter. Today we can say that this courage and sagacity will be in all the operations of the Argentine Air Force, it was demonstrated in the Battle of Malvinas”declared the brigadier.

He also reviewed the history of the emergence of the national fighter aircraft and, in particular, the chapter related to its role in the Malvinas War: “On May 1, 1982, we were ready to fight”.

Furthermore, he highlighted that the recognition of the protagonists of the most important feats of the Conflict contributes to transmitting their example to future generations.

“This Unit had the privilege of deploying one of its Air Squadrons to our Islands, from April 2, 1982 until the end of the war. “It was a challenge for all the staff involved, both from a logistical and operational point of view”declared the Malvinas War veteran and added that each of the Squadrons showed signs of responsibility, fulfillment of duty, willingness to serve, spirit of sacrifice and total dedication.

“To the relatives of those who are no longer among us I say that their memory will remain forever, for what they were and for what they showed us (…) To the young hunters: they have a path laid out, the acquisition of the F-16 “It renews hope and will surely present new challenges, but it doesn’t matter, look at the future with a new commitment to the Institution, trying to be more every day.”the officer concluded, followed by the shout “There is no one who can!”.

Then, it was the turn of the speech of the chief of the General Staff of the Argentine Air Force, Major Brigadier Fernando Luis Mengo: “Today is a day marked by very deep feelings: emotion and pride. Pride because the III Air Brigade has been recognized as a Heroic Brigade by its own community. We are also celebrating Fighter Aviation Day, a date that is commemorated on June 22, there is no doubt that this specialty that shapes our personality, which distinguishes us as a Force in the Argentine Air Force”.

“This line of hunters is not something fortuitous, random, it began long before 1931, but in that year that race of warriors began to be modeled, which, although it is recognized for its high professional knowledge, but above all, in “the spirit that identifies all the warriors of the Institution”said the head of the FAA.

“That will to fight is what emerges when everything seems to disappear, that is where that breed of hunters appears that makes us feel so proud, the one that knew how to demonstrate at that moment how they were carved. They did it and left a legacy to those of us who today are part of our beloved Argentine Air Force.”stated the brigadier major.

“Each recognition we make to our veterans is not just another act, it is a distinction that strengthens us as an organization and those who are part of it, because it reminds us of what they did and what they were capable of”highlighted the head of the General Staff of the Institution and added: “They gave everything, they had temperance, strength, but above all things today I want to highlight their will to fight from the first day to the last, and they had leadership, they were led by Squadron leaders and by a Commander who was clear about what “What the Argentine Air Force had to do”.

Finally, he addressed those who today “They carry the banner of combat aviation (…) we are close to incorporating a Weapon System in line with what we consider a great warrior, such as the F-16, a great professional and qualitative leap”.

Likewise, he quoted the phrase of the fighter pilot Adolf Galland: “Only the spirit of attack, born from a brave heart, will give success to any fighter aircraft, no matter how advanced its technology.”.

“We must work to not forget who we are and what wood we are made of, they did it and knew how to convey what we should do. Let’s follow our motto, the motto that is in the Hunting School: ‘Be more’”declared the head of the Institution and concluded: “We must be the Air Force that our country needs, the country wants that warrior Air Force, Malvinera, that knew how to give the most of itself at the moment of glory and at the moment of the call. They were moved and motivated only by love for their country, their flag, and being faithful to the duty of every soldier, fulfilling their mission until they lost their lives. Today, more than ever, as our beloved Brigadier ‘VGM’ Crusader said, there is no one who can!”.

To conclude this ceremony, the Alas Argentinas march was sung, thus closing a day in honor of the brave hunting breed.

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