With Alexis Nocenti, Argentina won the U-17 Volleyball Cup against Brazil

With Alexis Nocenti, Argentina won the U-17 Volleyball Cup against Brazil
With Alexis Nocenti, Argentina won the U-17 Volleyball Cup against Brazil

This Wednesday, June 26, the Argentine U-17 men’s volleyball team faced its classic rival, Brazil, in an exciting match held before an enthusiastic audience in our city. Under the technical direction of Leonardo Nocenti, the young Argentines won with a score of 3-1, now preparing for the U17 World Cup in Sofia, Bulgaria, like their opponents.

The match took place at the “10 de Enero” stadium of the Club Atlético Adelante Reconquista, which vibrated with the presence of a crowd dedicated to the spectacle offered by both teams. In this first friendly, Argentina won three sets to one (sets: 17/25, 25/16, 25/21 and 25/22).

Mayor Dr. Amadeo Enrique Vallejos thanked “the association, the federation, especially Leo, a pride of the north of Santa Fe, who represents us in the tournament, the club’s Volleyball Association and the Adelante Club that always provided its facilities for the different sports activities that take place in our city. Thanks to the federation, to the association. And tell them all the success for the effort that each one made to have the place where he is.

The Argentine coach praised the organization of the event by the local club, thanking the North Santa Fe Volleyball Association, the Municipality of Reconquista and all the fans who supported the young Argentine volleyball players.

In addition, the Argentine team won the Alexis Nocenti Cup, a recognition that moved Leo Nocenti: “It is moving to see how Alexis continues to be fondly remembered in Reconquista and throughout the region.”

The tour continues this Thursday the 27th in Malabrigo, and then on Friday the 28th and Saturday the 29th of June in Villa Ocampo.

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