The Cordobés Rally was declared ”Cultural Heritage” and of ”Provincial Interest” – Racing – Cadena 3 Motor

The Cordobés Rally was declared ”Cultural Heritage” and of ”Provincial Interest” – Racing – Cadena 3 Motor
The Cordobés Rally was declared ”Cultural Heritage” and of ”Provincial Interest” – Racing – Cadena 3 Motor

Yesterday afternoon, in the treatment of a dispatch that had been anticipated the previous week in committees, the plenary session of the Legislature of the Province of Córdoba sanctioned the Law 10972 that recognizes the ”Cordovan Rally” as part of the cultural heritage, as of provincial interest to its development and institutes the 28th of April as ”Cordobés Rally Day”.

Present at the event was the president of ACCOR -Cordoban Civil Association Rally Organizer-, the former navigator Gustavo Becaríawho received from the legislative authorities the documentation that formalizes the decision of the provincial tribunes, accompanied by the winning driver of the first race of the provincial rally (Heraldo Ruesch) and the Group N World Champion from Cordoba, Gabriel Pozzo, who emerged from the Cordoba championships .

In addition to the unobjectionable organizational capacity that has allowed the Cordobés Rally activity to far exceed national standards, maintaining an unrivaled attendance of participants, plus the holding of races and competitions of the highest sporting quality; The Córdoba series has distinguished itself for its innovative vision, being the first to adapt its calendar to the environmental risk schemes of the territory, incorporating bio-fuel as a standard for its competitions and launching a program of young talents so that the competitors who, due to their age, lack a civil license, can practice sports – sponsored – without losing vital years of learning and competition.

“We are very happy, I think it has been a well-deserved recognition for the rally activity in our province,” he confessed. Gustavo Becaríaafter the legislative act and took the opportunity to “invite you to our weekend date, in Villa Carlos Paz, 100% asphalt, for which we already have everything ready, the roads are ready and checked and waiting for the teams to begin arriving on Friday to experience a real party”.

Document text:

The Legislature of the Province of Córdoba

Sanctions with the force of Law: 10972

Article 1.- The “Cordobés Rally” is declared an integral part of the intangible and intangible cultural heritage of the province of Córdoba, in the terms of Law No. 9729.

Article 2.- For the purposes of this Law, “Cordobés Rally” will be considered the mechanical sports activity developed under that name in the province of Córdoba since 1985.

Article 3.- The promotion, encouragement and facilitation of the development of all cultural, sports, tourism and infrastructure activities related to the “Cordobés Rally” is declared of Provincial Interest.

Article 4.- April 28 of each year is established as “Cordobés Rally Day”, in accordance with the date on which the first genuine competition of the activity valid for the provincial tournament was held in 1985.

Article 5.- The Provincial State will ensure the conservation of all documentation and historical elements related to the “Rally Cordobés”.

Article 6.- Contact the Provincial Executive Branch.


With 112 registered, the Carlos Paz Rally will be the fourth date of the 2024 Provincial Rally Championship and will be run between Saturday, June 29 and Sunday, June 30, on asphalt roads, with the epicenter in Carlos Paz.

Chain 3 Motorwith photographs from ”Rally Cordobés”.

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