They reveal a decrease in emergency care for respiratory diseases in Los Ríos

They reveal a decrease in emergency care for respiratory diseases in Los Ríos
They reveal a decrease in emergency care for respiratory diseases in Los Ríos

The Regional Ministerial Secretariat of Health in Los Ríos released the viral circulation report for the last epidemiological week, which reveals a decrease in emergency care for respiratory diseases.

This is Epidemiological Week (EW) 25, which falls between June 16 and 22, and which, although it shows a decrease in such care, shows that viral circulation remains high in the region, in line with what is happening at the national level.

In this analysis, the presence of viruses has been identified Influenza A in 48.9% (23 cases) of the positive samples, followed by VRS with 25.5% (12 cases), Rhinovirus with 17% (8 cases), Parainfluenza with 4.3% (2 cases) and Metapneumorivus 4.3% (2 cases).

The emergency care due to respiratory causes in said week, have decreased compared to the previous week by 31.1%with the average of the last 3 epidemiological weeks being 3,476 attentions due to respiratory causes.

On the other hand, the highest percentage of emergency care for respiratory causes in SE No. 25 of 2024 was for Respiratory Infections or High ARI, corresponding to 57.6%.

Similarly, consultations for pneumonia in emergency care during EW No. 25 decreased to a total of 156, 14.5% less than the previous epidemiological week (186 care).

Likewise, emergency care due to influenza also decreased in the same period, reaching 163 care, 57.0% less compared to the previous epidemiological week (379 care).

In this regard, the Seremi de Salud de Los Ríos Cristina Ojeda pointed out that “These signs of decline are good news, but we must maintain prevention measures because, despite the case curve decreasing, the number of people, especially older people, who become seriously ill remains.”.

The data show that last year with the circulation of the Respiratory Syncytial Virus, girls and boys were mainly affected; and this year 2024 of high circulation of influenza that focuses on older people. Therefore, the best measure is to come and get vaccinated“Ojeada reiterated.

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