Storani praised La Pampa before his visit and criticized the national government

Storani praised La Pampa before his visit and criticized the national government
Storani praised La Pampa before his visit and criticized the national government

The former vice president of the UCR at the national level, María Luisa Storani, positioned herself against the government of Javier Milei and the package of projects that he sent to the National Congress. In turn, she praised La Pampa as a “pioneer” province in terms of gender.

Storani will participate tomorrow in the Meeting of Radical Women that will take place from 10 at the Provincial Committee. There she will discuss equity and equality for women, rights that are not consolidated, access to work and the history of radical women who fought for parity and female political participation.

In the preview, he spoke with Radio Noticias and highlighted the activity that will be carried out. “We have wanted to organize something for a long time, La Pampa is important because it has been a very pioneering province in terms of gender rights, a pioneer in many issues. They have debated parity, issues such as equal marriage, Voluntary Termination of Pregnancy… “he highlighted.

On the other hand, he warned that at the national level “we are experiencing a very difficult moment, with a frightening setback that this national government is carrying out, with a defunding of all programs that have to do with the rights of women and (of the collective). LGBT. It’s horrible.”

Along these lines, he indicated that during these days the meeting of the Organization of American States (OAS) was held in Paraguay, where “Argentina has been left totally isolated with the positions. It has modified all the documents that have been signed that have to do with parity, gender and everything that makes up the 2030 Agenda. This means the total defunding of programs, we are experiencing a very serious moment in Argentina in that sense.”

Storani defended the existence of the Ministry of Women, Gender and Diversity, although she acknowledged that there may be criticisms of how it worked, but stressed that “it had very important policies and funding for programs such as Acompañar, which has to do with women who suffer violence and who are supported financially and psychologically throughout the process of accessing Justice. Even the attention of Line 144, which is for advice and guidance for these cases, is disappearing.”

“We are at a pivotal moment, we don’t know what is going to come,” he remarked and questioned the closure of the Enia Plan, which aimed to prevent teenage pregnancy. “It was put in place during the time of Mauricio Macri and supported by Alberto Fernández. It is a public policy and it was maintained because it was an example in Latin America and 50% of teenage pregnancies were reduced,” he said.

“It is a terrible pain, because it costs a lot of planning and what it does to the federal development of the program. What does the government say? Let the provinces manage with their budget to support the program, which is the same as closing the door on it,” he added.

– What do you think about the fact that so many members of your party, both in Congress and in the provincial governments, support this government in its adjustment policy?

– I do not agree, but I am very respectful of the legislators of my party. Of course I have a more opposed position not only on gender issues. We are at 60% poverty, unprecedented, and also with a setback in labor issues, retirements… But I am respectful of legislators who have different positions. Many of the government’s original proposals have changed, and one of the important messages is that the president thought that he was going to manage comfortably without the Chambers of Deputies and Senators, and he realized that he could not do it. Not only did he break up the State, but he wanted to ignore such a legislative power where we are all represented.

“A terrible setback.”

Storani stressed that she is “against voting for the entire plan” and “against this government. I said this before it won the runoff. I respect the democratic process, but with all the decisions it is taking we have seen a terrible regression in human rights, in all the new rights that we have acquired and worked for over the years in Argentina.”

“We are going back with very worrying views. It is a total setback, I can never agree with this government,” he concluded.

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