UNATE students presented their work at the institution’s first annual exhibition

The Secretary for Senior Citizens, Juan Carlos Villamayor Today he toured the stands of what was the first annual exhibition of the workshops taught at the Open University of the Third Age. This exhibition was held in Plaza Güemes.

The director of UNATE, Susana Tessio He expressed that it means pride as an institution to be able to show in society the work that has been carried out in these four months by the students in this first stage of the year, with the guidance of the teachers.

He also said that it is truly admirable to see what has been done so far and to be able to show the productions so that they can be sold and thus generate extra income. Tessio expressed his gratitude to Governor Gustavo Sáenz and the Secretary of Senior Citizens, Juan Carlos Villamayor, for their ongoing support, and they are the ones who initially make it possible for us to carry out this type of action.

Meanwhile, the director of UNATE maintained that there are 85 specialties taught at the institution located at Miter 383, but there are several workshops that, due to demand, are taught two or three times a year. She also highlighted that this year and because there are new spaces, six new workshops were incorporated.

The Secretary for Senior Citizens, Juan Carlos Villamayor, expressed his joy at seeing so many people who came to learn about the productions that UNATE students make in the classes they take at the institution.

He highlighted the relevance of many older people who choose to continue to be active and to be protagonists. He also said that during this time the thumbs up gesture is becoming more established, which implies a symbol of all the good things that older people represent, who present themselves with an optimistic outlook and activity today, speaking from a general perspective.

For his part, Villamayor maintained that as a Government “we intend for older people to be leaders and we to be their servants; that is why when the Governor created the Secretariat for the Elderly, the only one in the country and with functional autonomy, we gave it, with the consent of the president Provincial of the Elderly because it is theirs, their community”.

Finally, the official highlighted the quality of the production of the works presented in the workshops whose communities constitute an extended family. Meanwhile, he mentioned the actions that have been carried out around the Federal UNATE, highlighting the work that the Municipality of La Caldera has been carrying out through its mayor, Diego Sumbay, supporting, promoting and generating the necessary spaces for that municipality to give UNATE workshops.


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