Distrust in ‘Project 1521’: “It has been paralyzed since Julio Revuelta”

Friday, June 28, 2024, 09:29

This Friday, readers protest for not having a public play center in Villamediana, for the noise caused by motorcycles in Logroño or for the poor condition of some streets in the south of the capital. Among so many complaints, there is also room for a health thank you.

  1. He is wary of ‘1521’ taking place

José Ramón starts the Reader’s Telephone today with a call in which he points out: “I read in your newspaper with enormous surprise the ‘Project 1521’ presented by the current Government team”, an initiative of which he distrusts because “four corporations have passed and they have done almost nothing for the city or the citizens. This project has been paralyzed since Julio Revuelta…” He equates these plans to what happened with “the Jewish Quarter recovery project presented by Sisa Viera (Pritzker Architecture Prize winner).” And he adds that “we still do not have an updated PGM, which is where all this should be collected, and not be left to the discretion of the Corporation or mayor on duty.”

More information on this topic.

  1. “That teacher has to go home”

We continue with the call from a woman from Logroño who does not understand “why the professor removed from the IES Valle del Cidacos has been given another position.” “That man has to go to his house,” she explains indignantly. In relation to the officials, she considers that “they must pass some control and whoever is not doing their job well, has to leave.” In her opinion, many public workers “don’t feel like working, they take the exam and that’s it.”

Breaking news on this topic.

“Three months ago I changed all the exterior carpentry of my home, benefiting from European funds for energy efficiency, and I still have not received the help,” laments this man from Logroño. “It is time for this City Council to start distributing it because it already has the money,” he concludes.

  1. “Lamentable” streets in the south of Logroño

A resident of the capital wants to show her dissatisfaction with the “regrettable” state of the streets of Montesoria and Avenida de la Sierra, among others in the southern part of the city. “We are abandoned, the asphalt on the roads is destroyed, the sidewalks have mounds and the open field on Avenida de la Sierra is a cloud of dust,” she says and then asks for “measures that are best for all residents.”

  1. In Villamediana “there is no public play center”

“We don’t have a public play centre in Villamediana with the number of inhabitants we have,” says the caller, annoyed. A facility that “should exist and with affordable prices for families,” she continues.

  1. “Three problems” in Logroño

A woman from Logroño wants to record “three problems” in the city. The first, the Bretón de los Herreros cycle path. “It looks like they are trying to put food delivery people in mind and it shouldn’t be like that,” she describes. The second, “the dirt and poor condition of the asphalt” in Vara de Rey. Finally, she points out the noise of some motorcycles that circulate without an exhaust pipe: “I don’t understand why the police don’t act and fine them,” she concludes.

More news about the Breton cycle path.

  1. Thanks to the gynecology team

“I would like to congratulate the gynaecology team at San Pedro Hospital,” says the caller. “They treated my 82-year-old mother with great care and I will be eternally grateful to them,” she explains, excited. In particular, she wants to acknowledge the work of Dr. Álvarez and the entire team at the unit.

Do you have a complaint? A protest? A thank you?

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  • The Chili Pepper

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A sidewalk that is becoming more purple every day in Logroño

“This is a pavement on Duques de Nájera Street,” says the reader who sent the photograph, adding that “the fence that can be seen is that of the IES Duques de Nájera school.” “In that part the pavement gets dirty because of the blackberries,” he points out. The problem is that the tiles are purple and perhaps need a more specific cleaning or a solution to the falling of these fruits.

The rules of The Reader’s Telephone

  • To facilitate

    The greatest number of calls should be brief, clear and concise in their presentation. The newspaper will respect the anonymity of readers who contact this section, but it will be necessary for them to state their name and contact telephone number, in case it is necessary to verify the origin of any of the calls. In no case will messages containing disqualifications towards third parties be published. Political criticism, of people and institutions has its specific space in the section “Letters to the Editor” in the Opinion pages of Diario LA RIOJA.

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