What will Neuquén bankers do in response to the reinstatement of profits and how many people are affected by the measure?

He return of Income Tax, without the application of the differential For Neuquén, this has caused great concern among several workers. The Secretary of Union Action Alfredo Soto of the La Bancaria union in Neuquén said that some 1,100 employees will be affected.

“We take it as a great concern, “We bank employees who collect taxes in the Patagonia area would benefit all of us,” he said.

The leader said that the lawyers of the national leadership will make a presentation in the coming days before the courts to have the tax reviewed.

“We have to wait to see how the instrumentation will be and from there the lawyers will take action on the matter. They want to implement it from August,” he said.

The secretary said that There are 1,100 employees at the Provincial Bank of Neuquén singles affected and others will also be involved in next month’s collective bargaining agreement.

Regarding forceful measures, he indicated that they will not carry out any mobilization. “Every time we had forceful measures it was when the government was violating the limits. When it is law we turn to the judicial court, the fight goes the other way,” he remarked.

Income Tax: who pays in Neuquén, Río Negro and Patagonia

The profit reform establishes that this tax must be paid by those employees who earn a gross salary of $1,800,000 in the case of single people and $2,300,000 million pesos in the case of married people, and again allows deductions for family members, domestic workers, life insurance and medical expenses.

The tax they must pay will be the surplus between the non-taxable minimum and the gross salary they receive with a progressive scale between 9% and 35%, although the cap will only apply to salaries above 36%.


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