Bullrich said that to search for Loan they will use “radiological equipment to see the bellies of the animals”

Bullrich said that to search for Loan they will use “radiological equipment to see the bellies of the animals”
Bullrich said that to search for Loan they will use “radiological equipment to see the bellies of the animals”

The Minister of National Security, Patricia Bullrich, surprised this Thursday night when, in the framework of a television interview, she assured that they will use, to Loan Peña’s effective search for “radiological equipment to see the bellies of animals.” Although the phrase caused noise because it was unfortunate and the announced practice sounds unfeasible, the official’s intention was to reinforce that she does not rule out any hypothesis regarding the whereabouts of the child who has been missing for two weeks.

“It could be anything from an accident, a missing child, a natural situation to human trafficking. There are many working hypotheses.” “Because it is a scene in which there are many people and suddenly there is a very small boy who disappears completely and absolutely without any noise, without any kind of scream, car or motor. We are going to do a search according to the forensic tests, to the Gesell chamber, seeing where he went, how far he could have traveled, if the shoe was planted or not,” said the official in an interview with LN+.

Bullrich recalled that in that area “There are jaguars, alligators, pumas, vipers and holes,” so now that the case has been transferred to federal jurisdiction, he will go “with everything: with divers, forest personnel and radiological equipment to see the bellies of the animals.”

On the other hand, he pointed out to the Corrientes Justice: “We found out from television, not from the prosecutor. That’s why the Sofía alert came out late”.

During this day, it was learned that the case is already being analyzed by the Federal Justice and that, in a certain way, the investigation begins in “fresh start” because the evidence is very weak and there are no elements to lean towards any hypothesis. In this context, Patricia Bullrich assured that so far “There is no data to confirm how he disappeared or how he was removed.”

“At no time is there data that confirms how they took him out. There is no evidence of how he disappeared and the boys, on Gesell camera, say that he left alone,” he noted.

It should be noted that the government official of Javier Milei only arrived in Goya last Tuesday with the objective of “organizing the investigation” when more than 10 days had passed since the start of the search.

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