“NOTARIAS” – edict of the first notary of the circle of

“NOTARIAS” – edict of the first notary of the circle of
“NOTARIAS” – edict of the first notary of the circle of

June 28, 2024


THE FIRST NOTARY OF THE BOGOTÁ CIRCLE, DC. To all persons who believe they have the right to intervene in the notarial procedure of CONSTITUTION OF FAMILY ASSETS requested in this Notary Office by Mrs. CARMEN ROSA CAICEDO CASTRO, of legal age, with address in Bogotá, DC, identified with citizenship card number 52,770,375 issued in Bogotá, DC, of ​​single civil status without a de facto marital union, regarding the property of her property, located at CALLE 91 B SUR N° 3-74 LOT 23 BLOCK 8 OF THE BELLAVISTA LOTTING PLAN in the city of Bogotá, DC, identified with Real Estate Registration Number 50S-40141915 and Cadastral Card No. 002543591200000000. In accordance with article 5 of Decree 2,817 of August 22, 2006, so that persons Those who consider that this act is harmful to their rights may object. This EDICT is posted today FOUR (4) JUNE TWO THOUSAND TWENTY FOUR (2024), at 8:30 am, for the legal term of fifteen (15) business days and its publication is ordered for one (1) time in a widely circulated newspaper. THE FIRST NOTARY HERMANN PIESCHACON FONRODONA (THERE IS SIGNATURE)


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