Pinar del Río concludes municipal conferences 22nd Congress of the CTC • Workers

Pinar del Río concludes municipal conferences 22nd Congress of the CTC • Workers
Pinar del Río concludes municipal conferences 22nd Congress of the CTC • Workers

More than 100 delegates from Consolación attended the 22nd CTC Congress in the territory and discussed the functioning of the organization, as well as its main achievements and challenges.

Photo: Pedro Lázaro Rodríguez Gil

This meeting, the last of its kind in the province, also allowed participants to express their opinions and concerns about the last five years within the union organization.

Photo: Pedro Lazaro Rodriguez Gil

Among the main topics discussed were matters related to cadre policies, work with young people, the much-needed work of grassroots organizations, attention to retired workers, as well as work towards economic efficiency in the different union sections of the municipality.

The day also served to propose and elect the delegates to the provincial conference, and the members of the Committee itself and its Secretariat.

In this sense, the delegates and members of the plenary recognized the work at the head of the municipal organization of Fernando Babastro Laugart, who will soon assume new responsibilities in the Provincial Committee of the CTC. In her place, Misleidy Leal Rabeiro was chosen as the new general secretary.

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