In Río Negro there is already a project to join the RIGI at the provincial level

He Large Investment Incentive Scheme (RIGI) The bill, which was promoted by the national government and approved last night in the Ley Bases, has generated a new dispute in Río Negro due to the urgency of presenting an adhesion initiative in the province.

Río Negro as a Government supported the RIGI because it considers this regulation vital for pending investments to be made in the province, including the potential development of the LNG plant in Punta Colorada, boosts to mining, the green hydrogen plan and business ventures linked to the oil pipeline that is already being built from Vaca Muerta to the Río Negro coast.

The province is even conducting a survey of potential future investments that could be generated with the RIGI.

Yesterday he deputy Agustín Domingo (JSRN), in the debate in Congress of the Bases Law, when expressing his support for the RIGI with expectations for the development of the Sierra Grande area with gas and oil, he anticipated: “We have the adhesion project ready in the Legislature,” alluding to a similar initiative in provincial jurisdiction.

Domingo, along with his Rio Negro peers Sergio Capozzi and Aníbal Tortoriello (PRO) and Lorena Villaverde (LLA) supported the RIGI with his vote, while only Martín Soria (Unión por la Patria) rejected.

In Río Negro, a few hours after the national law was passed, they were the legislators of the self-proclaimed libertarian bloc, Patricia Mc Kidd, Santiago Ibarrolaza and César Domínguez who anticipated and presented a communication project in the Río Negro Legislature for the Government to “urgently adhere” to the RIGI.

“A new stage begins for Argentines in which economic development is the No. 1 objective. Río Negro has the opportunity to ride that wave and take advantage of the energy potential it has.. The approval of this new Law has been very difficult, so it is now important to get on board and bring the province into this new stage,” said Ibarrolaza when spreading the proposal from that political space.

MC Kidd also noted: “If the province does its homework well, we will receive many benefits for the people of Rio Negro themselves.: more work and economic development, a matter pending in the last decade.”

In mid-June, the legislator for the Civic Coalition-ARI Fernando Frugoni had also expressed himself along the same lines, anticipating the need for Governor Alberto Weretilneck to implement a provincial RIGInot only with adherence to national law but also with particularities.

In public statements Frugoni encouraged the Executive to “extend the benefits that are assigned to an investor in the RIGI, to any company or SME located in the province that is a provider or borrower of services for companies that are located in our territory.”

The Arista legislator had anticipated that the province should first adhere to the national law and “then to ensure that these advantages also reach local suppliers to the industry to settle on Rio Negro soil.”

In the official records of projects entered into the Legislature there are two previous projects of communication – one from January and another from April – promoted by the CC-ARI, one linked to the request to the Rio Negro deputies to support the RIGI and another aimed at the governor “supporting and promoting” the chapter linked to large investments in the Base Law.

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