These are the sectors where the most jobs were lost by May 2024, according to Dane

These are the sectors where the most jobs were lost by May 2024, according to Dane
These are the sectors where the most jobs were lost by May 2024, according to Dane

11:14 AM

The National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE) showed that lThe unemployment rate for the national total in May 2024 was 10.3%, a drop of 0.2 percentage points (pp) compared to the same month last year (10.5%). This represents an increase of 463 thousand employed people.

At the same time, In May 2024, an increase of 0.3 pp in the occupancy rate was observedwhich stood at 57.5%, and in May 2023 it was 57.2%.

Under this scenario, In the last year, there has been progress in gender equality in the labor market: the gap between men and women has been considerably reducedgoing from 4.9 percentage points in May 2023 to 3.1 points in May 2024.

However, while the unemployment rate among women decreased by 1.1 percentage points, among men it increased by 0.6 points.

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In the 13 main cities of the country, a milestone was recorded in labor equality, with a historical gap of only 0.8 percentage pointsbeing especially significant for women.

For its part, The economic branches that contributed the most were artistic activities, entertainment, recreation and other services, with an increase of 1.0 percentage points, followed by the construction with 0.7 points.

In that order, activities Arts, entertainment, recreation and other service activities contributed 231 thousand more jobsfollowed by construction with 160 thousand positions more work, accommodation and food services with 139 thousand new employees and public administration and defense, education and human health care with 100 thousand more.

The other side of the bullshit is experienced by the commerce, transportation and finance sectors, where job destruction was evident by May 2024. For example, vehicle trade and repair eliminated 137 jobsfollowed by transportation and storage with 63 thousand fewer workers and Financial and insurance activities with 55 thousand fewer jobs.

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At the national level, The unemployed population increased by 6 thousand people in May 2024 compared to last year.

On the other hand, labor informality at the national level and in the main cities and metropolitan areas had mixed variations, with increases and decreases in the last moving quarter.

At a seasonally adjusted level, The preliminary unemployment rate for May 2024 was 10.3% nationwide and 10.4% in major cities and metropolitan areas, indicating a slight improvement compared to previous months.

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