LGTBIQ+ AWARDS CÓRDOBA | The Provincial Council of Córdoba celebrates Pride Day with the ‘Being Who I Am’ awards ceremony

LGTBIQ+ AWARDS CÓRDOBA | The Provincial Council of Córdoba celebrates Pride Day with the ‘Being Who I Am’ awards ceremony
LGTBIQ+ AWARDS CÓRDOBA | The Provincial Council of Córdoba celebrates Pride Day with the ‘Being Who I Am’ awards ceremony

The Provincial Council of Córdoba celebrates Pride Day with the ‘Being Who I Am’ awards ceremonyCORDOVA

The Palacio de la Merced, headquarters of the Provincial Council of Córdoba, hosted this Friday a new edition of Being who I amawards created with the aim of recognising people, entities and groups that work from different areas to promote values ​​of respect for sexual and gender diversity.

The event was chaired by the head of the provincial institution, Salvador Fuentes, who, accompanied by the Equality Delegate, Auxiliadora Moreno, and members of the Provincial Corporation, said that “here today we have Cordobans who are an example and a reference, people who have broken borders and have carried the name of our province together with their art, their values ​​and their talent.”

For Fuentes, “this act should serve to remember and claim that it is necessary continue taking steps to raise awareness and make diversity visible and that we must do it in a joint and coordinated manner, public administrations, private entities and citizens, until hatred and intolerance disappear from Córdoba.”

“Visibility, which is still necessary in our days, is achieved with measures to support LGBTIQ+ people in all their diversity, listening to their demands and walking hand in hand with them. That is what we are doing from this Provincial Council, with actions such as the reactivation of the LGBTIQ+ roundtable in recent months,” Fuentes said.

The president of the provincial institution has referred to the fact that “another of the actions that have been carried out has been the celebration of the first Lgtbi + Provincial Meeting in Aguilar de la Frontera, a successful activity that was launched aware of the difficulties to be faced. those that the LGBT+ community still faces in rural areas.”

Fuentes has concluded by emphasizing that “Our commitment to the LGBTIQ+ community is firm and we will continue working until we achieve real and effective equality for LGBTIQ* people and their families, in a more diverse and fair Córdoba.”

‘Being Who I Am’ Award Winners

This edition recognizes, in the economic section, Nelson and Carreras, a brave and committed fashion brand, whose motto is to promote equality and respect, something they materialize through the pieces they create, but also by being supportive and organizing charity shows. At Nelson and Carreras, fashion goes beyond style; represents our values ​​of quality, responsibility and respect.

Likewise, awards are given to Mayte Adrian, singer from Córdoba who has found in the copla the best tool to fight against stereotypes, among her many recognitions, she has national awards from Fernán Núñez, Córdoba, Álora or the Casa de Andalucía in Barcelona. Her latest album is Amor,passion y copla.

Like Jose Manuel Reina Torresa symbol and a reference in the province, is an inspiring example of how the combination of talent, effort and values ​​can lead to success and recognition. His career is a testament to his commitment to art and to promoting a more equal and respectful world. Both share recognition in the field of art and culture.

The Association Feels of Lucena, awarded in the socio-educational field, it is recognized for being a benchmark in the implementation of activities aimed at promoting equality and respect for diversity in rural environments and for highlighting the artistic, cultural, social and business production of the LGTBIQ community.

The City Council of Almedinilla has been recognized as a public initiative, for the implementation of various educational, social, cultural projects from the transversality of the perspective of diversity and equality in order to protect the rights of the LGTBIQ collective, give visibility and work to stop hate crimes , transphobia and LGTBIphobia promoting a diverse, fair and supportive society.

In the sports field, the award is given to Córdoba Deportivo Indoor football for being a benchmark in the fight for equality and diversity. Women’s visibility in sport is increasing thanks to the efforts we all make in support of women’s futsal.

And finally, the ‘Example of Being Who I Am’ Award has gone to JOsé Pereaa young fashion designer from the Los Pedroches region, who has crossed borders with his groundbreaking image. José Perea is a clear example that talent combined with attitude and talent is a perfect combination for success. His designs are seen around the world dressing artists such as Thalía. His groundbreaking image is a clear example that visibility is one of the fundamental pillars of the fight for equality, because what is not seen does not exist.

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