Transportation Worker’s Day Celebrated

MINAS, CAMAGÜEY.- The Transport and Port Workers’ Daye province was carried out in this municipality, by virtue of the comprehensive results achieved in such important aspects as the movement of passengers, the transfer of loads, and the increase in the technical availability of the vehicle fleet.

The commemorative day, initiated centrally in the country by the Base Business Unit (UEB) Ómnibus Nacionales Camagüey, allowed to award the best centers in the province, and to recognize those affiliated to the sector with an uninterrupted positive trajectory within the union.

Yusdelmis Saavedra, deputy director of the Transportation Company in Camagüey, recognized the effort made by the people of Minas Gerais in order to raise, not only their economic results, but also the purpose of maintaining, even in current conditions, the vitality in fundamental services. of service to the population.

He said that in the evaluated stage, the business units of Guáimaro, Villa Mariana, Urbano 02 and Intermunicipal, the last ones located in the Camagüey city, also stand out.

For Regla María del Toro Betancourt, director of the entity that won the emulation, this result is the reward for the consecration of the group, which has managed to reactivate most of the means that allow it to maintain stability in the attention to priorities such as the transfer of doctors and patients between this town and the provincial capital.

Currently, organizational mechanisms are being adjusted to, in the next period, achieve links between the settlements of Lugareño and Senate with Camagüey, and that of Minas with the Senate, which would respond to population approaches.

At the meeting, 20 José M. Pérez Capote distinctions were awarded, the highest incentive of the Transport and Ports Union (SNTTP), to workers with high results in their work, and imposed, among others, by Federico Hernández Hernández, member of the Committee Central Party, and its first secretary in Camagüey, Jorge E. Sutil Sarabia, Governor of the province, and Yoslandy Bou Soler, member of the National Secretary of that union organization.

Likewise, the Camagüey Air Navigation UEB was awarded the recognition “53rd Anniversary of the creation of the Union”, which was presented by José Raúl Rivero Salazar, secretary of the SNTTP Bureau in the territory.

For their connection with the organization for five decades, María Adolfina Zunzunegui, Juan Carlos Quesada González and Rogelio Bracero Rodríguez were awarded, by Yelenys Hernández Montenegro, member of the Provincial Bureau of the Party.

Camagüey, for its comprehensive work, achieved the status of Outstanding Province.

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