Catamarca and the United Arab Emirates join forces for mining exploration

Catamarca and the United Arab Emirates join forces for mining exploration
Catamarca and the United Arab Emirates join forces for mining exploration

June 28, 2024 – 18:23

With the purpose of promoting mining and energy development, Mining Catamarca and Energy Society of the State (CAMYEN SE) and the company World Metals Alloys (WMA), constituted under the laws of United Arab Emiratessigned an exploration agreement with the option to exploit minerals in the department Antofagasta of the SierraThis new mining project promises significant investment in the Puna region of Catamarca.

The signing of the agreement, held at the Government House, was attended by the governor Raul JalilThe event was headed by Vimal Kumar Mohanlalmanaging director of World Metals Alloys, and Susana Peraltachairwoman of the board of directors of CAMYEN. The vice-governor also participated Ruben Dusso; the Minister of Mining, Marcelo Murua; and Pramod Kumar Prustya partner of World Metals Alloys.

The agreement establishes a key collaboration for the exploration and eventual exploitation of the mining area known as “Campo Blanco” in Antofagasta de la Sierra. This area, which covers approximately 7,500 hectares, is the subject of a survey requested by CAMYEN and includes the requests for the mines “Campo Blanco II, III, IV, Aguas Blancas I”.

The agreement arises after a public bidding process that ended without viable proposals, leading CAMYEN to consider World Metals Alloys for its technical and financial capacity, with the aim of attracting investment and employment to the region, for the benefit of the local economy.

This project seeks to promote the sustainable use of natural resources, the development of local mining and the conservation of the environment, in line with the social and economic development of the Puna region of Catamarca.


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