New details revealed about Blade and Mia Goth’s character in the film

A new look at the setbacks and radical changes in Blade production

The history of the new installment of Blade in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is more like a suspense plot than a typical movie production. Between delays, changes of direction and wasted setsthe project led by Marvel Studios has generated as many expectations as questions.

Originally, the reboot of Blade It promised to take us on an adventure in the 1920s, a golden age tinged with mystery, but that plan fell through. Today, the stage focuses on the present, although not without leaving certain nostalgic airs that continue to float in the production environment. The vision of Mia Goth, known for her role in MaXXXinewas destined to embody Lilith, a vampiric villain with a macabre objective: the blood of Blade’s daughter. Although the context has changed, Goth remains linked to the project, promising to be one of the cornerstones of this new saga.

What about Blade’s daughter?

The fate of Brielle Brooks, Blade’s supposed daughter, is still an enigma. Her incorporation into the MCU had been planned as a fundamental part of the plot, but the constant restructuring of the script has left her participation up in the air. Although Brielle’s future in the saga remains uncertain, changes in development could lead to new and interesting possibilities for her character, keeping fans in suspense.

Mia Goth blade

Mia Goth blade

One of the most striking and regrettable details of this production has been the construction of a huge train set intended for an action sequence that was never filmed. This effort, now in vain, is expected to be recycled in another Disney production, proving that not everything that glitters in Hollywood is gold.and that even the most spectacular plans can be derailed.

A road full of obstacles

Following the departure of director Bassam Tariq, the project has found itself rudderless on several occasions, leading to question whether the planned release date of November 7, 2025 is really achievable. With multiple delays and a director not yet at the helm, the pressure on Marvel Studios is palpable.


Despite the setbacks and millions invested, Marvel shows no signs of backing down. The strategy appears to be a project recalibration during the summer, with a script being rewritten and an active search for a new director. History has shown us that Marvel knows how to navigate these turbulent waters, having learned from past experiences that haste can be production’s worst enemy.

Words of encouragement

Mahershala Ali, star of Blade, shared his optimism regarding the film’s future. “We are working on it. That’s the best I can tell you,” Ali mentioned. His faith in the team and the new direction the project is taking reflects a ray of hope for fans eagerly awaiting the return of this iconic vampire hunter to the big screen. This renewed confidence could be the key to revitalizing the production and ensuring that the film meets the expectations generated among audiences and critics.



The journey of Blade In the MCU it’s far from a smooth road, but like any good superhero story, the challenges only serve to make the victory sweeter. Fans, although cautious, remain hopeful that the final result will justify this tumultuous journey. Each obstacle overcome along the way adds another layer of triumph and satisfaction to the film’s eventual release, strengthening the bond between the characters and their audience, who remain loyal despite the difficulties.

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