Dafne Keen knows how to use a Star Wars saber

This is how to use a lightsaber – impressive training video shows how good Dafne Keen really is

Dafne Keen, who plays Jecki Lon in The Acolytehas trained extensively for his upcoming lightsaber duel with a mysterious Sith Lord, and a new video demonstrates how well he can handle his weapon. Keen plays the role of Theelin Jecki Lon, a Jedi Padawan and student of Master Sol. She may be a Padawan, but throughout the first half of the Star Wars show, Jecki has already proven herself wise beyond her years. Now, it seems likely that Jecki, and Keen herself, will have the chance to prove that she too is a strong fighter, as the Sith Lord of The Acolyte attacked at the end of episode 4.

A video shared by TheAshRendar showed Keen training with a prop lightsaber and performing some spinning moves behind the scenes.

As the video demonstrates, Keen has mastered some complicated lightsaber choreography to The Acolyte. Keeping a lightsaber spinning so fast while also performing turns and steps is no easy feat, but Keen seems to be a natural at it. His choreography also seems to fit the setting of The Acolyte in the Star Wars timeline. Like the prequel trilogy, the Jedi of The Acolyte They fight with a certain speed, agility and energy that is seen very clearly in Keen’s movements. Keen seems willing to use her lightsaber whenever she needs it. That’s a good thing, since Jecki will likely need to use it very soon.

The Acolyte

Jecki will be more than prepared for her next duel

The end of episode 4 of The Acolyte introduced a Sith Lord and pitted him against a group of Jedi that included Jecki Lon. It’s unknown exactly how that fight will play out, but given that the Sith Lord used a massive Force push early on, it looks like the Jedi will have quite the fight on their hands. It also seems likely that Jecki will have to face the Sith Lord himself, as some of the advances of The Acolyte They have shown her fighting in the same dark forests of Khofar.

Fortunately, Jecki, like Dafne Keen, has been training a lot with a lightsaber. Episode 4 of The Acolyte It also showed that Jecki was training with a bokken stick at the Jedi temple on Coruscant, and that she was quite good at her planned attacks. It’s also interesting to note that footage of Jecki fighting the Sith Lord showed her using two green lightsabers, which could give her an extra advantage in battle. It also indicates that he survived the Sith Lord’s initial assault despite other Jedi falling to his sword.

While Jecki’s chances of survival seem good, there is also the disturbing possibility that he may not survive his fight with the Sith Lord. The Acolyte He has proven time and time again that he is not afraid to kill Jedi, as he did with Master Indara, Torbin, and Kelnacca. It is also unknown how strong the Sith Lord is, and although Jecki is quite proficient with her lightsaber, she is still a Padawan. It’s enough to leave a bad feeling about Jecki’s fate and make episode 5 of The Acolyte be even more stressful.

The new episodes of The Acolyte are available on Disney Plus, subscribe at this link.

The Acolyte

Tobi Oulego

My name is Tobi Oulego, I am from the city of Buenos Aires and I am dedicated to the creation of film and series content. Since I was a child I have been a fan of all geek universes, I grew up with “Star Wars” and “Harry Potter” but today I specialize my content in the Marvel and DC universes

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