What does the lyrics of the song Panic Show by La Renga say with which Milei begins her acts?

What does the lyrics of the song Panic Show by La Renga say with which Milei begins her acts?
What does the lyrics of the song Panic Show by La Renga say with which Milei begins her acts?

President Javier Milei presented his new book Capitalism, socialism and the neoclassical trap this Wednesday at Luna Park.

The president was the protagonist of an event where, in addition to the book, he gave a musical show.

Quickly, the moment in which Milei sang went viral and “La Renga” became a trend, since the head of state opened the show with the song Panic Show.

“I am the lion”: the song with which Milei begins his actions

During the electoral campaign, the libertarian began to sing and play the Mataderos band’s song in the background at the close of his events.

Belonging to the album The corner of infinitythe use of the theme during meetings generated controversy in 2022. In September 2021, La Renga distanced herself from Milei and criticized, without naming him, the then candidate for national deputy in the City of Buenos Aires for the Frente La Libertad Avanza.

“Whoever wants is free to listen, sing, dance and play La Renga songs. What is wrong, legally and morally, is taking the liberty of using those songs for a political campaign and personal benefit. A follower of our band would never do that,” they condemned at the time.

For its part, Milei responded to criticism and recalled the rock band’s participation in a festival organized by the Kirchner government in 2013 in commemoration of the 30 years of the return of democracy.

“They got paid to sing at Cristina’s event and what bothers them is the use of a liberal’s song,” Milei said that year.

Beyond the crossing, the president continues to use the song in most of his presentations, such as this Wednesday at Luna Park.

Javier Milei: what the lyrics of the song Panic Show by La Renga say

Below are the complete lyrics of Panic Show, by La Renga:

Hello everyone, I am the lion

The beast roared in the middle of the avenue

Everyone ran, without understanding

Panic show in broad daylight

Please don’t run away from me

I am the king of a lost world

I am the king and I will destroy you

All the accomplices are of my appetite

Don’t run away, come to me

Get naked and face my teeth

I am the king, the lion

Come find out what it feels like

Please don’t run away from me

I am the king of a lost world

I am the king and I will destroy you

All the accomplices are of my appetite

Hello everyone, I am the lion

The beast roared in the middle of the avenue

Everyone ran, without understanding

Panic show in broad daylight

Please don’t run away from me

I am the king of a lost world

I am the king and I will destroy you

All accomplices are of my appetite.

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