Javier Milei’s forceful phrase about Nicolás Posse: It is now history

President Javier Milei ruled that the former Chief of Staff “(Nicolás) Posse “it’s history now” in a brief dialogue he had with accredited journalists in the Casa Rosada conference room.

The President’s greeting to journalists is an unusual gesture. It is the first time that the head of state approaches the conference room to answer questions, after multiple requests from those accredited. However, it was not the only gesture of “closeness” that he had during the day. After leading the Cabinet meeting, he went out to the balcony of Casa Rosada with his officials to greet the passers-by of Plaza de Mayo.

As he was able to reconstruct Ambit, the idea was to show Javier Milei present in the context of the controversy over stored food. It is worth remembering that in recent weeks the Government also went through a diplomatic conflict with Spain, a lack of gas, the Chief of Staff was fired and the Secretary of Children and Family was denounced. In all that time, Most days the President was abroad.


Javier Milei greeted from the balcony of Casa Rosada.


Within the framework of the improvised conference, Milei once again supported the Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Petovello, in the context of the controversy over stored food. “She is the best minister in history”said the president and reiterated that “the Kirchnerists have corruption.”

When asked about the irregularities that occurred in the collection and delivery of food, the president stated: “Whatever is not in order… We are going to be relentless with corruption in all areas.” And he remarked: “No food was late.”

The head of state took the opportunity to praise other members of his cabinet, the head of the Economy Nicolas Caputo. “It’s firmer than this building,” she remarked.


Javier Milei greeted the press at Casa Rosada.


Regarding the delay in the appointment of advisor Federico Sturzenegger, Milei responded that his position is being “defined.” “Because it is how we are defining the next reform of the State,” she argued.

After Javier Milei’s greeting, presidential spokesman Manuel Adorni referred to the suspicions of espionage that weigh on Nicolas Posse. “We have the obligation to report an act of corruption and any episode that deviates from the law. If we actually have a suspicion, we will report it,” she said.

Furthermore, Adorni explained what Javier Milei meant when he remarked that the former Chief of Staff “is already history”: “When I leave, the next day, I will also be history. He is an official who today does not belong to the Executive Branch, for So it’s history.”

Without Sandra Pettovello, Javier Milei once again led a Cabinet meeting

Before passing through the conference room, the president Javier Milei He once again led a Cabinet meeting at Casa Rosada, after several weeks of not being present at said meetings. However, in the midst of the crisis over stored food, the Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovellowas not present.

As explained Manuel Adornithe minister “had an agenda item today, she was ending the issue of resignations and the timing meant that she was not present.”

The Cabinet meeting also marked the official debut of Guillermo Francos as chief of staff after the departure of Nicolás Posse, suspected of having spied on his co-workers. Last week there was a meeting but Francos had not yet made it official.

javier milei cabinet meeting

President Javier Milei attended the headquarters of the Ministry of Human Capital on Monday to meet for an hour and a half with the head of the portfolio, Sandra Pettovello, in another show of strong support to the official after the controversy over the non-distribution of food.

The meeting between Milei and Pettovello began at noon, amid criticism from the opposition of the minister, whom they accuse of letting food expire in warehouses. On Sunday, in her first activity after returning from a tour of El Salvador and the United States, Milei received Pettovello at Quinta de Olivos.

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