Elden Ring announces one last update. Four interesting changes revealed that arrive just in time for Shadow of the Erdtree – Elden Ring

Two years after its premiere, the great expansion that all gamers were waiting for finally arrives. Elden Ring. However, the game still must make one last stop before the final introduction of Shadow of the Erdtree. The developers have announced the introduction of a patch prior to the arrival of new content which prepares us for our new incursion into the Middle Lands as well as for the future landing in the Shadow Lands (that’s what the DLC area is called).

Elden Ring is updated before the arrival of the DLC

“An update for the Elder Ring base game and a Day 1 patch for Shadow of the Erdtree will be introduced to the game on June 20. This update includes bug fixes, balance adjustments, and some new features,” they explained to through the video game’s social networks. At the same time, they announced that the servers will go through a maintenance period of at least three hours (from 9:00 to 12:00 Spanish peninsular time) before activating again. Don’t worry, this means that when the DLC is released the work will already be more than completed.

As for what exactly changes in this update, the truth is that FromSoftware has not revealed all the details. However, yes has confirmed four quite interesting adjustments.

  • Now the new ones newly found objects will be marked with an exclamation mark in the menu
  • Now there will be a tab menu exclusively for recently found objects
  • Five have been added new hairstyles available in egg characters, the fogged standing mirror (the place on the Round Table where we change appearance) or using Rennala’s Rebirth
  • Have been added functions of map. One of them will allow us to individually adjust the summoning altars to activate or deactivate them. Active Summoning Altars will now remain active in New Game+.

A reminder of Shadow of the Erdtree release dates.

Hopefully we’ll learn more details about the update when it’s finally introduced to the game. Also, let this not be the last patch in the Elden Ring story. Although FromSoftware has already confirmed that there will be no more major updates for the video gameif it will work on providing support and making the necessary adjustments after the release of Shadow of the Erdtree.

When is Shadow of the Erdtree coming out? Date and Time

As an additional note and although we already know that Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree is published on June 21, the developer has confirmed the time at which each region will be available. Regarding Europe, we must know that…

  • In console: Available at 00:01 on June 21 (early morning, Spanish peninsular time)
  • On PC: Available at 12:00 on June 21 (noon, Spanish peninsular time)

With all this in mind, all we have left is counting the time until the expansion finally releases on all platforms. The truth is that Elden Ring is experiencing a second youth thanks to the DLC and that it has been, by far, the most successful game in the history of FromSoftware.

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