How beet juice should be taken to lower blood pressure and cleanse the liver

He beet juice It is an ideal natural option to take for the vitamins and nutrients it provides to our body and its health benefits. Among them, lower blood pressure and cleanse the liver.

“A healthy diet includes consume vegetables daily, and some are low in calories and rich in minerals, fiber and vitamins,” the publication states. MedlinePlusthe United States National Library of Medicine,

In fact, according to studies carried out over the years, they recommend drink 3 to 5 glasses a dayneither too many so as not to go too far nor too few so as not to stay halfway.

Both vegetables and fruits offer a certain versatility when it comes to consuming them, especially considering that they are usually within our reach in the kitchen.

However, little is usually done to analyze some notable benefits.

Beyond being a source of natural sugar, beets provide potassium, vitamin C and folates. In addition, they are abundant in water and fiberdescribe Better with Healthof ACE.

It is a vegetable that provides very few calories, which is why it is so popular among those who want to lose weight.


How many days is it advisable to drink beet juice, according to experts.

According to research published in Food Science & Nutritionalso contains many biologically active phytonutrients.

In the specific case of high triglycerides and cholesterol, it is believed that its contribution of fiber and antioxidant compounds would help break down fat.

At the same time, a work published by Nutrients explains that the consumption of this vegetable could help control cardiovascular diseases, reduce blood pressure, reduce inflammation and avoid oxidative stress.

Beyond them, it is worth highlighting the importance of consulting a doctor or nutritionist before making a health-related diet decision, so that it provides an appropriate diagnosis according to each case.

Nutritional value of beetroot

It is enough to know the properties of beets to have a positive opinion of this root with an untempting color for the palate and a somewhat earthy smell.

Beet or beet provides key vitamins and nutrients for the body.

As specified by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), it lists its attributes and nutritional value per 100 grams:

  • Energy: 43 kilocalories
  • Carbohydrates: 9.56 grams
  • Total sugars: 6.76 grams
  • Manganese: 0.329 milligrams
  • Vitamin C: 4.9 milligrams
  • Vitamin B1: 0.031 milligrams
  • Vitamin B2: 0.04 milligrams
  • Vitamin B3: 0.334 milligrams
  • Vitamin B6: 0.067 milligrams
  • Vitamin E: 0.04 milligrams

A work published in Food Science & Nutrition reveals that beets also contain a large amount of biologically active phytonutrients.

So the betalain (betacyanin and betaxanthin), responsible for its characteristic color, is one of them. And it has phenolic compounds, as well as dietary nitrate.

The latter attracted the attention of scientists decades ago due to their therapeutic potential in the management of cardiovascular conditions.

How beets affect blood pressure

The importance of managing blood pressure levels. Photo: Shutterstock.

One of the most recent discoveries is that beets can help reduce high blood pressure.

A study published in the scientific journal Science Daily revealed that this vegetable contains nitrateswhich are transformed into nitric oxide through an extended biological process.

Precisely this nitric oxide is popular for its ability to dilate and distend blood vessels, ideal for improve circulation and reduce high blood pressure.

Hence, adding a glass of beet juice every day can provide optimal results to control blood pressure levels.

Still, the health sites warn, more research is needed to more specifically determine the long-term effects.

How to take beet juice to cleanse the liver

Consuming beets helps cleanse the liver of toxins accumulated in the body.Consuming beets helps cleanse the liver of toxins accumulated in the body.

Among the numerous properties that beets have is that they help cleanse the liver of toxins and waste accumulated in the body.

This vegetable with such a particular color helps reduce bilewhich promotes good liver function, they warn.

In addition, they point out that drinking beet juice promotes the elimination of heavy metals and they estimate that it could have preventive properties against liver cancer.

How to prepare beet juice

As is usually the case with these natural smoothies, beet juice can be drunk alone or mixed with other fruits and vegetables.

Below is a step-by-step guide to preparing the drink with raw beetroot to make the most of all the nutrients.

  • 2 large beets (or 4 small ones)
How to prepare beet or beet juice.How to prepare beet juice.
  • Peel the beets in order to remove the earthy bitter taste.
  • Also remove stems and leaves (they can be saved to eat in salads).
  • Cut the beet bulb into small cubes to facilitate processing.
  • Put the pieces in the blender with the water.
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